Wakko's Tooth

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Wakko has a loose tooth, and is trying to make it fall out by using the trick that involves the bathroom door with string tied to the tooth.

However, the technique is not working for him at all.

Julia was getting annoyed by thumping and banging of the door.

She went upstairs to stop him.

"Wakko you're driving me crazy with all of this thumping and banging around."

"Sorry I was trying to get rid of my loose tooth." said Wakko.

"Stop worrying it was fall out when it's ready now brush your teeth it's bedtime."

"And no more horsing around and I mean it." said Marc.

"Just a minute I'll be right out."

One very early morning, Wakko is sleeping. When he bites down, he feels it becoming more loose. He gets up and wakes up his siblings to announce that his tooth is about to fall out soon.

"I Wakko Warner have my very first loose tooth."

"That's great that means it fall out soon." said Dot.

"That's nice Wakko." said Yakko.

At school Wakko told his friends about his loose tooth.

"Wow that's great Wakko." said Yumi.

"When the tooth falls out the tooth fairy will come and give you money." said Tom.

"Money that's cool."

Yakko and Dot had to come up with a plan to make Wakko's tooth fall out.

The teacher turns on a TV to show a video about teeth.

Later at lunch Wakko had a hard time eating because of his loose tooth.

"Still there."

"Do you guys heard about Babs Bunny." Remmy asked.

"Uh what about her." said Dot.

"Her tooth fall out during class."

Babs demonstrates some tricks she can do at lunch, including placing her drinking straw through the gap and whistling through her teeth while closed. Babs demonstrates another trick, by doing a spit-take by squirting out juice from the gap of her teeth.

"Wow Babs that was so cool." said Fifi La Fume.

"Whoa I wanna try it." said Wakko.

Wakko tries, but the juice fall out of his mouth instead.

Everyone laughed at him.

"Does anybody have a bib for the baby." said Montana Max.

Wakko walked out sadly.

"That is not nice Max." said Yakko.

Dot agreed with Yakko.

At home Wakko had milk and cookies for snack.

At supper he had well done steak and corn on the cob.

"So Wakko if the loose tooth is there I'll tie your tooth on the string and onto the remote control car."

"That could work."



Yakko got the remote control for his toy car.

That didn't work.

Dot tried pulling it.

"Ow! Dot you're hurting me."

"Aw man I thought this was going to work."

The next day at gym class everyone was playing dodgeball.

"So Wakko did your tooth fall out." Jo-Jo asked.

"No It's just being stubborn I tried everything even my brother and sister tried to help."

"Just try pulling it one more time."

"Ok Jo-Jo I will."

As he was trying to get his tooth out.

"Wakko watch out!" Mark yelled.

But it was too late the ball hit him right on the mouth.

"Wakko are you okay I'm really sorry." Rufus asked.

Wakko had a tooth in his hand.

"Hey my tooth fall out hooray."

"Let me see your teeth Wakko."

"It's out."

"Thanks Rufus."

"No problem."

Wakko was happy that his tooth fell out.

The next day when Wakko woke up he lift his pillow he got $10.

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