Hanging Out With Carrie

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At Warner's Brothers Studio Julia was working with Bugs Bunny and Friends at the studio.

Julia was a good actress in California.

Yakko Wakko and Dot were outside of the water tower.

They saw a girl over there.

"Hey there's a girl over there maybe we should ask if she likes to hang out with us." Dot suggested.

"Good idea." said Yakko.

They walked over to her and asked.

"Hey madam want to hang out with us."

"Who are you?" she asked.

"We're the warners brother I'm Yakko I'm Wakko."

"And a warner sister my name is Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Banana-Fana Bo-Besca The Third you can call me Dot don't call me Dottie."

"Nice to meet you my name is Carrie."

"So Carrie want to hang out with us Julia is at work."



The Warners give Carrie a tour of the WB Studio.

They looked at the sets for the movie and props.

They went to water tower where they live.

They played video games.

After that they watched funny cartoons Looney Tunes.

"Wow Bugs Bunny is so funny."

"Yeah he is."

"Julia loves working with Bugs they do outsmart their enemies and rivals."


"We do outsmart rivals ourselves." 

"It was fun." said Wakko.

Carrie laughed.

Yakko Wakko and Dot started singing a song.

Wakko: Maybe we are dogs

Cute little dogs with ears

Woof woof! (pant)

And little tails that we can wag

Hey! Let's go fetch his slippers and play tag!

DrSns: Hey, get off of me!

Dot: Maybe I'm a cat

Whaddaya think of that?

A lovely cat that all the world adores

And here's my kitty paws

With little kitty claws

Which I like to sharpen on your couch!

DrSns: Augghh! That's not funny!

Yakko: Maybe I'm a bunny

Hopping 'round here happy as I please

Or penguins and it's cold, which makes you sneeze.

Yakko: I've got it! Of course!

Maybe I'm a horse

I can live on oats and hay

And laugh and run and jump and play

And you can ride on me all day!

DrSns: No way!

Dot: Hey, maybe I'm a skunk

DrSns: Oh boy, you really stink!

Yakko: A dinosaur might be some fun

DrSns: But then you'd be extinct.

Dot: Maybe we're all insects

Wakko: Do you like bugs and bees?

DrSns: You kids are buggy in the head

Yakko: Maybe we're giant fleas!

Dot: Maybe an electric eel

Wakko: Or a seal

Dot: Get real!

Hey wait a minute, I've got it now

DrSns: You do?!

Dot: Yes, I do.

YW+D: We're not bees and we're not cats

Or bugs or horses or things like that.

What we are is clear and absolute!

What we are, dear doctor...

Dot: Is cute!

YW+D: Mmmmwah!

DrSns: I'm sorry I asked.

Carrie clapped.

"That was great."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

They were having a fun time.

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