Tongue Tied

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At school the students were learning about water they learned about how the city gets its water.

All this talking about water was making the Warners thirsty.

"Man I'm thirsty." said Wakko.

"Me too." said Dot.

"Don't worry sibs I got canteen of water."

"Let's share it."

"Ladies first." said Yakko.

Dot took a drink Yakko took a drink and Wakko took a drink.

But he had bad luck drinking it.

"Yakko my tongue is stuck in the canteen."

"What's wrong?" Yumi asked.

Yakko and Dot couldn't understand what Wakko was saying.

"My tongue is stuck in the canteen." Wakko said again.

Yakko and Dot did figure it for the third time.

Tom noticed it and raised his hand up.

"Mr. David Wakko got his tongue stuck in the canteen."

"He did what?" Mr. David said very serious.

What's worse his classmates laughed at him.

"Wakko let me see."

"Wakko how did this happen let me see if I can do anything."

"Everyone relax."

Mr. David took Wakko into the hallway.

The gym teacher was trying to get it out.

It wouldn't budge.

The school staff took him to the boys bathroom they put ice and water on the canteen so it will cool down so his tongue can pull down to get it out.

The ice water didn't work.

It was not budging at all.

They have to call 911.

The school principal called Julia on the phone.

At the WB studios Looney Tunes were on their break during acting.

Julia's phone rang.

"Hello what really don't worry I'm on my way."

She hung up the phone.

"What is it Julia?" Bugs asked.

"It's Wakko he has his tongue stuck in the canteen I have to leave now."

"I hope he's okay." said Sylvester.

"I just hope he doesn't get his tongue cut off." said Daffy.

Everyone frowned at him.

"That would be awful if the earthing has no tongue." said Marvin.

Julia went into the school and she saw school staff trying to get the canteen off.

They have transport Wakko to the hospital.

Wakko was placed on the stretcher and into the ambulance.

The students looked out the window they saw the ambulance leaving.

Julia put on her noise cancelling headphones because the siren of the ambulance was too loud for her.

Julia gave Wakko a teddy bear for comfort.

Wakko was taken to the medical center.

Nurse Holly took over.

Doctors and nurses started cutting the canteen.

The canteen was off now all they have to do is cylinder off of his tongue.

They got it off.

Everyone was smiling so was Wakko.

"Show me your tongue Wakko."

Wakko stick his tongue out his tongue was fine.

He had a quick checkup he got a popsicle to ease the swelling Wakko was sent home.

After school Yakko and Dot come home.

"Wakko I'm so glad you're okay." said Dot.

"Glad you didn't lose your tongue." said Yakko.

"The lesson I learn not to stick my tongue at things."

"Guess what I had a cherry popsicle to ease the swelling."


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