Wakko's Sick Day

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One morning Yakko Wakko and Dot had woke up from their sleep and they are ready for their new day.

Julia had made pancakes for the warners.

"Oh boy pancakes it's a great way to start the morning." said Dot.

"Yeah the best part of eating pancakes you add maple syrup on top." said Yakko.

"Maple must come from trees."

Yakko and Dot started eating.

But not Wakko he usually has a big appetite on food he was not feeling well.

He was coughing and sneezing.

"Wakko are you okay."

Wakko shook his head.

Wakko tried to eat pancakes but his throat hurts to swallow.

He ran to the bathroom to throw up.

Julia heard him throwing up in the bathroom.

She came to the bathroom to rub his back.

Wakko had tears in his eyes.

Julia put her hand on Wakko's forehead.

"Wakko you're burning up."

Julia had Wakko her in arms she was carrying him to bed.

"Just get some rest sweetie."

"Okay." he said in hoarse voice.

Julia put a wet cloth on his forehead.

Yakko and Dot went out to play outside at warner bros studios.

Julia told them to be good and don't cause trouble.

Julia put the thermometer in Wakko's mouth.

"Keep that in your mouth and don't speak."

About thirty seconds later, the thermometer beeped, indicating that it had read Wakko's temperature. Julia a look at the screen on the device. It read that his temperature was 102.4 degrees.

"You have a fever that means you have to stay in bed."

"Aww." Wakko groaned.

"Why does my voice sound like a horse?"

"Did i ate the whole horse."

Julia laughed.

"No silly you didn't eat the whole horse, your throat is so sore it makes you sound like a horse."


Wakko did have a headache from the cold.

He started to cry from the pain.

"Shh Wakko, you're okay, just close your eyes and think happy thoughts." Julia whispered.

Wakko closed his eyes and think about happy thoughts.

His happy thoughts was puppies kittens eating food beautiful ladies and going on adventures with his siblings.

Julia kissed him on cheek and left the room.

An hour later.

Wakko was looking at comic books.

Yakko and Dot had came back from playing outside.

They were playing video games.

Julia got out medicine for Wakko.

"Wakko it's time to take your medicine."

"Medicine is yucky too bad it doesn't taste like bubble gum."

"Open up Wakko."

Wakko opened his mouth.

Julia put the medicine in his mouth.

Wakko swallowed the mouth.

He didn't like the taste it's getting him better.

"Good boy see that wasn't so bad."

Later on that day Wakko had bowl of soup.

Then he watched a movie in the living room.

He fell asleep as the credits begin to roll.

Sleep is good when you are sick his body needs to fight.

The next day Wakko was feeling much better.

Yakko Wakko and Dot were playing outside.

Wakko was acting like himself again.

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