History Of Broken Things

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At the California museum they saw broken statue.

"Oh man the statues are broken." said Wakko.

"I wonder how it happen?" said Dot.

"Maybe kids like us have broke it."

"I wonder how it happen."

"It's starts off with Egypt when they made sphinx."

"Tut! Tut! I asked you not to play too close to our new sphinx." said the man.

"I'll be careful, Papa Pharaoh."

He hits the ball against the sphinx's nose which breaks off. 


"There are kids like us in ancient Greece too."

"When Alexandros of Antioch made Venus De Milo."

"No sorry I don't like it."

A thrown discus knocks off the statue's arms.

"Kids I asked you not to play with your discus in my work area!"

"We're sorry, Fathereus."

"It's beautiful! I'll take it." the guy said giving him money.

"I bet there were even kids like us around in colonial days."

He runs into the Liberty Bell which made a crack it.

"So there you have sibs that's explains why they are broken."

"Glad we don't break something."

At the WB Studio.

They playing football with their friends.

Wakko threw the ball too hard and went right into the window.


"Warners I told you not to play too close to the studio!" said Julia.

"I'm sorry."

"Just be careful next time."


"Well somebody is going to pay for the window."

"Well there goes our allowance." said Dot.

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