chapter ten - new year

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December 31st, 1957

It was only a matter of time before the clock struck twelve, and it would officially be a new year. The New Year's Eve party was held at Ivan's house, and there were teenagers everywhere. The lad had the most space in his home anyway, but he also had to lie to his parents on the "no friends allowed" policy in the process since they enforced that rule so heavily before they left for holiday. But something about lying always kept you on the edge of your seat, feeling as if everything would fall apart right in front of your face.

John lay on the couch as the party progressed, slumped in his position as he held his new girlfriend, Thelma Pickles, in his lap. The whole "waiting for Elaine" fiasco shortly ended after he realized being alone was nothing but miserable. Besides, if Elaine miraculously confessed she had feelings for him, he would drop his new girl toy in an instant for her.

Romantic, right?

The music continued to vibrate through the thin walls of the house, and teenagers kept on dancing, swaying their hips to the beat of the music. John himself couldn't dance, so that's why he sat on the sidelines, but that also didn't take away the right to make fun of the shit dancing he horridly witnessed.

Other kids were drinking heavily or making out with their dates as they sat in the corners of the room. John exhaled the smoke from his cigarette while he enjoyed the pleasure Thelma was giving on his neck, licking and biting any piece of skin she could get. She drowned herself in alcohol as soon as the party started, slowly letting herself become loose. Thelma was always one to have a good time, which John enjoyed.

It was a boring party so far, nothing happening yet, and if it continued to be this way, John would leave. He would honestly rather take Thelma in the back seat of her car and fuck her. And the neck kissing wasn't helping the problem in his pants, nor would the visual he was about to see right now.

"Shit," John muttered to himself as he saw the couple of the hour walked in.

Thelma misunderstood that utterance of his and started to suck harder on John's neck. "You like that, Johnny?"

John growled and pushed her off gently. "Don't call me that. Go on and get me a drink."

Thelma was too intoxicated to care of John's anger and nodded along with a smile that clearly showed her dazed state. "Sure, John. Anything for you, baby."

John rolled his eyes as he watched her head to the kitchen. Something John forgot was how clueless and dumb the girl was when she was "loosening her mind".

Just as John was going to relax his head against the couch cushion, another voice decided to interrupt the attempt of his tranquility. It was Paul's voice, and he didn't understand what he just said, as he was too lost in his own mind.

"What's that, Paul?" John slurred the words through his mouth, sounding as if he were drunk. Which he wasn't. At least, not yet.

"Enjoying yourself?" Paul repeated once more.

John looked to the side of his bandmate and saw Elaine. It wasn't a surprise how beautiful she looked right now. Always enlightening, but never unexpected. Even in the mornings when she would wake up, she looked stunning. Nothing about Elaine would ever make John think otherwise. If only he could vocally tell her instead of having to tell only himself all of the time.

"Guess so. Thelma's fetching me a drink right about—"

"Here you are, John. A nice cold one for you."

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