chapter three - you're going to lose that girl

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It was finally Sunday, and John and his group were performing at the Cavern. John hadn't spoken to Elaine since Thursday, which she was studying Friday, and doing god knows what on Saturday. Only a couple of days without seeing her and it had a massive effect on him.

The band was getting ready for their performance and started tuning their instruments to the best of their ability. All of them being preoccupied, caused them not to notice when Paul finally showed up - except John. And John saw that Paul wasn't alone. He was holding Elaine's hand - fingers entwined together. The sight made John uneasy. What, suddenly, they were a thing? How did that even happen? Especially so quickly? It didn't even phase John that Paul would make his move so fast. John's gaze hadn't moved away from their hands until Elaine spoke up.

"Hey, Johnny." A smile plastered on Elaine's face as she greeted John, whom she hadn't seen in a couple of days.

No matter what John was going through, Elaine's presence was enough to make him feel at peace in a heartbeat. "Hi, Blue." John could see how tense Paul grew when he called Elaine his nickname and honestly got a kick out of that.

John decided not even to bring up the fact they were holding hands. They had a gig to focus on right now, and John told himself he would deal with that later.

"Ready to perform, Paulie? We go on in ten."

"Right, yeah." Paul then turned to Elaine. "You don't mind waitin' in the audience, do ye?"

"Not at all. I'll be cheerin' you on back there." John's heart hurt more than he could imagine when Elaine told Paul that. She would usually tell John that before he went on. The dreading sight of Paul earning a kiss from Elaine wasn't something John wanted to see. kiss for Johnny? Okay, that pained him more than he expected as he saw her walk away into the audience.

"She your girl now?" Okay. John lied to himself. He couldn't help himself and needed to know all the drama between them.

Paul smiled proudly. "I know so. I followed your advice and talked with her when I surprisingly found her on my way home."

"On your way home?" John asked, baffled, knowing she said she was at home that day.

"Yup. She was leaving her friend's house or somethin' like tha'. Anyroad, I chatted with her and asked her on a date. Yesterday we went to go out and had a good time. Asked her to be me girl, and the rest is history, you know."

"That's good, yeah. Glad yer happy...and erm—so is Elaine, that's good, yeah."

"Thanks, John. Now, c'mon we've got some songs to sing." 

John couldn't take his eyes off of Elaine's, which her eyes were on Paul only. Elaine would always use to look at him only. It made John feel special and on top of the world. But now... well now, she's got eyes for Paul - eyes for someone else. While Paul sang Kansas City, John mentally cursed himself for allowing him to tell Paul to make a move on Elaine. I mean... he was happy for Elaine... and for Paul too, but it was hard for John to comprehend what he was feeling. All of Elaine's attention turned away from John so suddenly, and a day hadn't even passed.

Kansas City ended with the last strum from Paul's hand, breathing hard as he could finally rest his throat. More songs continued to be sung while Elaine's eyes never left Paul's doe-y looking face, not for one second.

Finally, John could relax when the last number was ending. He could finally get off the stage and find a bird to sleep with for the night - something to get his mind off things. His gaze never left Elaine and watched as she leaped into Paul's arms, hugging him tightly, kissing him on the lips. John swore he winced at the sight.

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