chapter eleven - goodbye

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January 20th, 1958

"It'll be a month. Nothing more, nothing less." Elaine was in the middle of telling Paul about her family's trip to the States. It didn't seem fair to him that his lady was being taken away for thirty days. The frown on his face made it clear as day. "I'll be back before you know it," Elaine reassured Paul. "We'll write each other each week."

"Each day," Paul corrected while pouting, looking helplessly at his girlfriend. "I'm going to miss you, Elaine."

Elaine smiled, caressing Paul's cheek in hopes of reassuring him. "And Ill miss you, Paul. It wont be long, okay?"

Paul nodded, still looking sadder than ever. To know his pretty girl was going to be far away from him made him a bit remorseful. Elaine grew to be his comfort person. Just glancing at her put his whole world at ease. "I know, love. Give your letters a kiss before you send them off, yeah?"

Elaine giggled, giving him another kiss to his cheek. "I will."

Once the pair gave each other enough kisses, Elaine turned around to say goodbye to John. The young boy was standing awkwardly, smiling slightly as she approached him. "Going to miss me, Lennon?"

John scoffed. "Not even a little."

They both laughed after his snarky comment.

"I'm going to miss you," she responded. 

John looked down at the ground, kicking a pebble, looking back up at Elaine. "I think if anyone is going to miss anyone, it's Paul. The kid looks like someone ripped his brother's heart out in front of him."

"Oi, leave him alone," Elaine defended, even though she did find John's joke amusing.

And with one last look to her friends, Elaine waved off as she and her family drove off until she couldn't see them anymore. She felt sadness relish in her mind, feeling empty the moment she couldn't see any of them. Especially Paul. Leaving him behind, along with last nights tears and sadness made her feel guilty, even though it was only a family trip, and she would be back.

However, she felt sadder leaving John — her best mate. Which was odd, considering they were just friends.

A little over a month without Elaine and it was horrible. Though, the letters with little imprints of Elaine's lips were enough to satisfy Paul for that moment, he still missed her like mad. It was evident at band practice. John would tease him, making kissing faces at him and egging him about his missing bird, sometimes telling him she would never return. It didn't annoy Paul because that was John — that's what he did.

George Harrison recently joined the Quarrymen. A great friend of Paul's from school and a great guitarist. Paul knew he would impress the hell out of John when he played for him — and he did! Just like George promised to, anyway. Having Hazza around more often in his life did stir his mind away from Elaine, but he still managed to think of her every second of the day. Paul wondered if she did as well.

June 25, 1958

"It's a new song. Want to hear it?" Paul asked John. The two were at Forthlin Road. They weren't writing songs or playing around on their guitars. Ever since some of The Quarrymen's members decided to leave, it left only John, Paul, and George, causing them to become inactive so far in the summer. It really was discouraging, considering they rarely played anymore, especially to Paul, but he knew with time, they would be up and performing again.

John shrugged. "Maybe. If it's any good."

Paul chuckled, smiling. "Well, come over here then. Take a look."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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