chapter two - this boy

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The weekend was finally here to come, and The Quarrymen had a performance at the Cavern, thanks to Nigel. The endless hours of practice better had made up for a good performance tonight. John was nervous, as always, and only wanted his group to outshine the others that played that night. Elaine, of course, had to calm him down from the frantic behavior of his.

"You'll do amazing, John. When have you ever given a shit performance, hm?"

"Yeah... alright." John sighed, but then pulled her in for a tight hug, always knowing that her touch was enough to make him relax.

"Now go kill out there, like you always do." A kiss was gently placed on John's cheek before he went up on stage to start getting ready.

Elaine smiled proudly as John announced what songs they would be singing. John would stutter sometimes, mostly from the nerves, bringing a giggle out of Elaine. They started off with Come Go With Me, one of Elaine's favorites, which John knew. While singing, John would throw her a wink or a smile, making her blush like mad.

"You know them?" A young man's voice had distracted Elaine out of her thoughts, turning to see a boy around her age, maybe just about her age or younger.

"Yes, actually. The lead singer right there is my best friend," she spoke proudly.

"That's good. They're pretty good, but I reckon the lead singer has got his guitar out of tune."

Elaine looked confused as she looked at the boy. "Out of tune? What'd ya mean?"

"Doesn't sound right, not even playin' the correct chords." The boy pursed his lips. "What's the lead singer's name?"

"John Lennon," Elaine replied with a pretentious smile.

Paul glanced down at the blonde beauty, obviously noticing her looks from the start. He couldn't help but notice a slight resemblance to Bardot. "And your name?"

"Elaine Cunnigham. And what's yours?"

"Paul McCartney."

The more Elaine looked at him, the way she found herself to be attracted to him. He was quite the eye candy, honestly. Elaine couldn't stop staring at his full lips, which parted slightly even when he wasn't talking.

"I ain't ever seen you around, why's that?"

Paul shrugged, moving his jet-black hair to the side with the swing of his hand. "Not sure. I just came 'round here to see the scene, I suppose."

Elaine nodded, still taking in the beautiful features of Paul. "You're right. I would've remembered you if I ever saw you."

Paul smirked, a little red tint hovering over his chubby cheeks. "Ta, Love."

Elaine and Paul talked a bit more, more about Paul's upbringing as well as Elaine's. Conversation flowed easily between the two, cracking a joke here and there. Paul couldn't help but awe at her when she spoke, seeing as her brown eyes would sparkle with excitement whatever it was she was talking about. There was definitely a mutual attraction between the two, and they both seemed to notice. Elaine, to be honest, didn't even notice when John was finished performing, but John did. He was a bit upset when he saw Paul stealing the attention of Elaine, who was supposed to be watching him instead.

"Am I interrupting something?" John asked, immediately wrapping an arm around Elaine's waist.

"Hi, Johnny! And no, you weren't, just making a new friend, is all. Paul, this is my best friend John. And John, this is Paul." John reluctantly let his hand stick out for a handshake, which was gladly accepted by him.

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