English Project

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Her second class of the day was english and as if transferring to the most academically demanding school in the middle of the year wasn't stressful enough, Leah apparently transferred smack in the middle of an ongoing  group project.

And that wasn't even the worst part. She had originally expected to be put into a group of people around her level so she saw it as a way to make her first friends. This however was not the case. Because all groups had already started on their project, the only logical decision was to place her in the one group that had not begun yet. This group happened to be the group with royals.

The average, mid tier Leah, was now in a group project with Remi, the queen of Wellston, Blyke, the Jack, and Isen, ranked #7.

As the bell rang to signal the start of the class, people began moving their seats to meet with their groups. Remi, Blyke, and Isen were already sitting next to each other and casually conversing so Leah was left awkwardly wondering if she was allowed to just walk up and interrupt them.

Thank the heavens though cause Remi seemed to have remembered that a new student had been added to their group. Facing Leah, she gave her a bright smile and motioned her to bring her chair over.

"Hey Leah! I heard that you're part of our group now. Come bring your stuff over!"

she seems, ... energetic, Leah mentally thought

Shuffling over to the trio, Leah gave a nervous wave, "H-hi. I'm Leah. Uhh I hope it's not a problem that I suddenly got added to this group."

The orange head, Isen, she recognized (after her little encounter with Arlo, she made sure to memorize the top ten students of Wellston) was leaning back on his chair. Leah noticed that unlike Blyke, he wasn't wearing his tie.

He brought the front legs of his chair down, sitting upright and gave her a laidback wave of a hand. "Nah it's fine. It's better if there's more people actually. Less work for me." He gestured for her to take a seat.

"Hey, this is a big part of our grade. If you don't do your part, Im seriously gonna beat your ass so put in some effort." Blyke suddenly said.

"stfu dude you know damn well I hate projects like this" Isen stated while rolling his eyes

Now it was Blyke's turn to roll his eyes. "No one likes doing these, idiot. We do it cause we have to." He seemed to be getting more and more pissed.

Leah physically tensed at the bickering elites until Remi smacked both of their faces with sheets of paper. "Both of you shut up. Isen, you do your part of the work. And Blyke, control your anger better. You keep escalating every argument!" Remi sighed.

I bet if Remi wasn't in their friend group, Blyke and Isen would blow up every room they enter.

She couldn't help but give out a small giggle at the image of the two blowing up places over something as trivial as a bicker.

"look Leah's laughing at how immature you two seem" Remi deadpanned

"uh hold on no" Leah stammered out "i didn't mean to-"

"geez Leah" isen said while putting a hand to his heart, over exaggerating the offense he took. "i'm hurt"

his laid back attitude was honestly a breath of fresh air for Leah and she felt her body slightly relax.

"focus." Blyke was glaring daggers now at Isen at which Isen mockingly put up his hands to show he was done joking around.

"alright guys", Remi started. "We're already a bit behind so Blyke's right. We should get started. ...So who here finished the book?"

The four students just stared blankly at each other.

"i don't even know what book we're supposed to read" Isen admitted.

"it's Romeo and Juliet but yea i haven't started either..." Leah bashfully put out.

Seeing as how Remi and Blyke were also silent, it was logical to assume that no one in their group had the faintest idea what the book was about.

Blyke said through gritted teeth, "ok, ok, this is fine. we can just read it on our own time and finish it by tomorrow. Then tomorrow during class, we can start discussing the project."

"Yea that sounds good" Remi responded

The rest of the time of that class was spent reading the book only for them to realize that they had no clue what tf the book was talking about.

"ok are you sure this book is in english" Isen said while slamming the book shut.

"yea, i'm really confused on what's going on too" Leah also closed her book

"okayyy... this isn't gonna work." remi started. "oh wait hold on! since Arlo's a year older than us, he probably did this already. we can ask him for help."

Isen scoffed, "isn't it easier to just ask him for the answers,"

"that's academic dishonesty dumbass", the red head spat out.

Leah once again tensed at the mention of Arlo. which was weird since it wasn't like she had necessarily a bad encounter with him. When you think about it, he was actually lenient with her ignorance and stopped his friend from getting riled up. But why was it that his name left such a bad taste on her tongue?

However while she was lost in thought, the rest of her group had already agreed on asking Arlo to meet them after school at the library.

"You're ok with that, right Leah?" Remi asked.

uh no.

"yea of course! see you after school."

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