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Valley of the kings. Where we dream to go to go and work their. To explore different burrial grounds. In that valley holds.

          We have been applying for an expedition to Egypt for a long time. but we are not accepted. who would trust a beginner like us. no one knows yet in the field of discovery.

but the three of us were determined to make our dream come true. we continued to discover. and finally we saw a burial sight of the native koreans who lived, before the korean civilization began. (I just made up that story).

recognized our findings, not just all over korea, but all over the world. they found out where the korean civilization began. the three of us were very happy with the recognition we received. and finally this year we can go to Egypt. we will finally fulfilling our dream.

I am grateful to our staff, who supported us. they also advised us not to give up and they did not leave us, even the others didnt believe in us. so they are all with us at eygpt.

I am also thankful to my two hyung sandeul hyung and ken hyung, who work hard and never leave my side.

Where here in the plain. Im so nerveous. And excited.

"Relax, jinnie. Inhale. Exhale" said ken hyung i was doing the breathing steps. While  my hyungs hand. I dont know what came into im so nervous.
The stewardess came rushing with some bottle pills on her hands.

"Here sir, just one tablet and he will be fine" she said calmly. She gave the bottle  into my sandeul hyung.

"Thank you" they said in unison. The stewardess  left.

"Here jinnie" Ken hyung give me a tablet and a bottle of mineral water. I swallow the tablet and drink water. After a minute. My eyes begun to fill heavy, i close my eyes and everything became dark.

In a dream.

Why did you came back? You cant hide from them now.  The voice of a woman said. But i swear its not korean or english. Its an Coptic language. The language in the ancient Egypt.
Whats does she mean?
Where that voice came from?
Why did she said that to me?

KINGS OF EGYPT||JIN HAREMWhere stories live. Discover now