CHAPTER 3: Poison

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this will have the present and past intercourse. seokjin will be jumping a lot in time.

Enjoy angels.
Seokjin's chest suddenly hurt, he push it, so the pain will go away. But it didn't, he started to sweating so hard. he kneel because pain he felt. then his hyung grab him and quickly stand him up.

"Jinnie what happened to you?" said ken worriedly.

"hyung, we need to take him to the hospital" Sandeul said.

"no, hyung .... bring .. me to him" said the Seokjin, as he slowly took out the paper, which the woman handed to him. he gave it to Ken.

ken read what is in the paper "Dr. Kim Taehyung. Pediatrician?" Ken narrow his eyes.

"Jinnie, his a Pediatrician." Ken repeated.

"Just bring me to him." Seokjin shouted as he feeling a lot of pain to his chest. The two just follow what seokjin said. seokjin was carried by Ken while Sandeul carry all there luggage. (poor Sandeul. just imagine him carry those bags) 

Ken grab a cab outside the airport. the two though that seokjin is only experience the chest pain because of the heat of the weather. they didn't know that its the weather they should blame, because at the moment seokjin close his eyes. he return to the another part of the century.


On another part of the century. 6 men where gather in a large hall. talking about the what happened the early that day. how their husband just vanish on the thin air. is their husband into witchcraft?

they stop talking as they saw a body of a man slowly get visible. their eyes widen as they saw his husband was in the center of the room looking so miserable. his wrist is tied up with black rope. 

"Get up Neferkare" shouted the second smallest, he even kick his foot. seokjin just curled like a ball and hold his hands to his chest. the shortest see him in pain. he immediately kneel to him and hold is head.

"Pharoah khufu(yoongi), you don't have to kick him like that."

"Pharoah Akhenaten (jimin) your to naïve, his just acting. so we wont punish him" said the pharoah that seems not convince.

"his not acting, hes really in pain. take that rope out of him" said the second oldest pharoah.

"what's wrong with the rope Pharoah Thutmose( hoseok)?" said the second youngest.

"it has snake poision and scorpion" explain the pharoah Akhenaten(Jimin)

the three remove the rope from seokjin wrist slowly and carefully. 

"called the great physician." Pharoah Ramses ( taehyung).

the four Pharoah is panicking while the two other is just quiet and doesn't want to help.

"Let, him die" Said Pharoah Djoser (namjoon). he broke the silent. the others look at him.

"i agree, with Pharoh Djoser (rm)
" said pharoah Khufu.

"Do you hear your self Pharoahs? you will just let him die like that?. without explaining anything?" said Xerxes( jungkook).

"I'm not like you all that will just let anyone step on me." said in the stern voice of the Pharoah Khufu/yoongi.

"but we still don't know if his guilty or not" said Pharoah Thumose.(hoseok)

"his guilty, we seen the evidence" said Pharoah Khufu( yoongi)

they stop talking as the physician came inside with his slave that have different herbs in their hands. the physician have no time to loose so he. tear seokjin his cloth's IN front of the pharoah even he knew that touching a pharoah is forbidding, but he has no choice. the 6 Pharaoh was shock to see their husband all pale and his veins are starting to become black.

"give me the medicine, faster" he said to his slave. they give seokjin a spoon of the medicine. he slowly gain color. but the vein is still there.

"grant me permission to speak, sire's" said the physician as he bow.

"permission granted, now speak. what is wrong with our husband?" ask Pharoah Akhenaten(jimin).

"Pharoah  Neferkare has been poision. who ever did this, want him dead. because the poision is very powerful. good thing i have medicine for this poison" explain the physician.

"thank you for explaining, you may leave" said Pharoah Khufu(YOONGI) coldly. the physician bow to them and leave together with his slave.

"then what, now?" ask  Pharoah hatshepsut( Namjoon)

I dont want to die, please save me. ( the pharoah doesn't understand seokjin word. it is on korean)

"what did he said?" Ask Pharoah Thutmose( hoseok) they all look at him.

"did Neferkare, learn a new language?" ask Pharoah Akhenaten (jimin)

"is he our husband?" ask Xerxes( jk)

"what kind of question is that Ramses, off course his our husband the one that betray us" said Khufu(yoongi)

"no, his not our husband. look" said Pharoah Djoser(Rm) as he pointed to seokjin's body slowly disappear.

"how can you said that? he's our beloved husband." said Ramses(taehyung)

"his not, remember we already kill him!" said Pharoah Djoser (namjoon). that shock everyone as they remember. killing their precious husband because of anger and jealousy. 


then the body of seokjin disappear completely. the Pharoah's thought there guilt is the reason why they see their beloved husband. a little they know that the fate want to do what is right. 

but will these pharoah's will learn there lesson and recreate new  happy ending. or will they just all end in mystery? 

KINGS OF EGYPT||JIN HAREMजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें