the hug method

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This is not my method!


The creator of this method didn't say anything about meditation, subs (subliminals) or anything like that, but I recommend you meditate to clear your mind before starting.

These are the steps for this method:

- lay down and close your eyes

- visualize you just woke up in your DR bed.. look at the sheets, celling, everything around you.. if it's possible, try to focus on the smell of your DR room and the feel of the sheets touching your skin

- after you're done with feeling your surroundings (don't stop though! don't mean it like that hahah), visualize yourself getting out of the bed and placing your feet on the floor.. try to feel what would it be like to place your feet on that surface, whether it's wood, carpets, grass etc. (focus on it!)

- now, look around you.. for this step you need to visualize and have a person from your DR in the room with you (whoever you want).. visualize them just chilling there or looking at you with tears in their eyes.. now, run towards them and hug them as tight as you can, thinking about how much you missed them, how much you love them.. at this point you should be feeling a warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach, focus on that! focus on how comforting it is to finally be with that person.. and don't loose the warm energy!

- after this, spend some time with them.. you could picture yourself dancing with them, or just talking.. do whatever works for you.. it's important that it gives you high vibrations.. spend as long as you need with them until you're sure your vibrations are high, you feel confident in yourself and the ball of energy is still there and growing

- when you're ready, hug them goodbye and walk back to your DR bed, without loosing focus of your energy ball..

- after that, try to go to sleep while repeating affirmations

- if you truly believe you'll shift, then you will!

You can also listen to some playlist of yours if you're planning on dancing with them or some subliminals just because hahah.


Thank you for reading! I know I seem so dry and all on here, but I promise I'm a fun person teehee... I'm in a great mood loll.. bye bitchesss

- iva xx

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