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Dedicated to charryontopx for being my biggest fan! I love you!!

Btw guys, comment! I love seeing your thoughts while you read! Love you all!!


I sit in the passenger seat of Carlisle's crappy purple Scion and just stare out the window trying to ignore the feeling of dread bubbling in the pit of my stomach. I don't know of any of my friends coming to this party and I'm never at this type of scene unless Carlisle drags me to it. I can't help the nerves knotting up my stomach.

"This is not a good idea." I mutter.

Carlisle rolls her eyes and looks at my while her eyes flicker back and forth to watch the road.

"Calm down, Slo. This is gonna be fun! Just enjoy yourself."

I fall back into my nervous silence until I feel the car stop and Carlisle puts the car into park.

"At least pretend like you're happy to be here. Smile, please." I give her the biggest, fake smile I can muster. Satisfied, she climbs out of the car and starts heading into the house while I trail after her. She is immediately engulfed into hugs from everyone while everyone send me polite smiles.

The house is a huge white mansion with a large round driveway that looks like a carpool lane. The grass is freshly manicured and it looks like a house you'd see in a Southern Living magazine. The thought of who the obnoxious little rich kid who owns this place makes me want to gag. I can't stand cocky rich kids.

We stroll through the impressive hallways while I admire all of the expensive artwork on the wall. For being cocky people, the artwork placed in their house is very abstract. The "never ending" painting make my eyes cross when I walk past them, so I stop looking at the artwork and walk while staring at my shoes.

I stroll through the back doors and farther into the back yard where I see a huge bonfire. There are couples huddled to the side of it and people roasting marshmallows for s'mores. Most everyone is drunk or getting there, so I worry about the girls holding there cups while trying to roast a marshmallow, it's actually a pretty funny sight.

"Hey!" Some tall blonde boy asks me. He is nice on the eyes, but all I can do is compare him to Emerson.

"I have a boyfriend," I reply.

"And I have a dog. I was just gonna ask if you wanted a drink." He replies with an eye roll.

"Um.. Sorry. No thanks. I'm just gonna make some s'mores." I say, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Whatever." He replies, strolling off.

I've eaten about four s'mores before I hear a name yelling for me.

"SLO, GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" Then I hear her giggling. I sigh and walk over to her.

"This is Zayn Sanders. Isn't he super hoooot?" She slurs. I roll my eyes, then look at the boy she is referring to and breath hitches.

Zayn Sanders is the definition of perfect. He's got brown hair the brushed over his forehead and with dark brown facial hair caressed his chiseled jaw. He was dressed in a pair of kakis and a light blue button down that fit snugly against his bulky arms and toned stomach. His kakis were tight on his butt, showing off his toned legs. I try to steady my breathing and brush off my reaction as smoothly as possible.

I roll my eyes. "Yes adorable." I see him smirk, and that alone set my teeth on edge. "I thought you said you were driving tonight." I ask Carlisle.

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