How's this for cheering you up?

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"Wake up!"

I yell as I repeatedly hit Car with my pillow. It was nearing one in the afternoon and the day was wasted on her being a slug.

She groans into her pillow while I stifle a laugh. There is a hint of drool on her face, while her head is lying in a puddle of spit. I wrinkled my nose at the sight. She was such a slob.

"You're literally suck a skank." I laugh at her choice of words, then rip the blanket from her skin. Making her scream.

"IT'S LIKE ANTARCTICA! OH MY GOSH, IM FREEZING!!" She jumps up and pounces on me.

"For being here to cheer me up, you sure are awful at it," I reply, her crushing my abdomen. She smirks at me and pins my arms above my head while she leans over me, her chest falling out of her too tight tank top. No wonder she's cold. She sleeps in Soffee shorts and and tank top!

"How's this for cheering you up?" She replies as she attacks me by tickling me until tears stream steadily down my face, me shouting explicits consistently.

Suddenly, she hops off of me and runs downstairs into the kitchen. I trail behind her slowly, not running. I'm not a big fan of doing that.


"Yes, Mom." I reply and I walk into the kitchen. I find Carlisle sitting at the counter with her feet propped up like she owns the place.

"Hello Sunshine, thanks for joining us!" She smirks and winks at me. I roll my eyes in reply.

My mom hands us eggs and bacon, then leaves the room.

"Since you've been such a Debbie downer since Emerson has left our presence, I'm taking you out tonight!"

"Oh, I don't know. I'm not really feeling a party tonight, Car."

"That's exactly why we're going. You haven't really felt anything lately. You've been pouting and trust me, it doesn't look good on you. Besides, it's a bonfire party. There'll be s'mores! Freaking s'mores! If that doesn't excite you, I don't know what will!"

"I have not been pouting!"

"I'm taking you out, that's final." She says with a "don't you dare question me" look.

I just huff a sigh. It was going to be a long night.


I sit in the floor in a a pair of jean shorts and a white crop top while Carlisle curled my hair and put on my makeup.

"We are going to get allll the boys with how smokin' hot we are," she sings with a wink.

"In case you didn't remember, I don't care. I'm very happy with Emerson. I don't need to get any guys."

"Righhhhht. Well, when you do get them, send them to me please! I'm currently very available for a little action. I feel like the freakin' Sahara Desert." I roll my eyes at her while she finishes up her own hair and makeup.

Once she's done, she grabs my hand and pulls me to the car.

"I'm driving tonight, love. You need to loosen up a bit!" She exclaims while bumping my hip. Then, she jumps into the car and starts the engine. I climb in reluctantly and let her start the drive to the bonfire.

I can't help but feel that this party is a recipe for disaster.


Hello hello hello!

If you want to vote and comment that'd be nice of ya!

I'll be posting who Zayn Sanders is next chapter!

Thanks for reading, loves!

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