Someone is Being a Sour Patch Kid

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"Honey, I'm home!" Carlisle screams as she bursts open my front door.

"Good to see you too." I mumble.

"Oh, that's no way to great your favorite person! Be excited! Jump around and squeal with me like a normal teenager at a sleepover!"

I just stared at her as she pranced from wall to wall, yelling and dancing. Carlisle is the definition of "beautiful without trying". She has dark brown locks that she changes like day and night, while her style is a mix of classy meets coachella. She had high cheekbones that rested on her face like shards of glass. Her carefree attitude and personality made her a favorite among the guys. I envied her. She really was gorgeous. I'm happy for her though, her life wasn't all daisies and chocolates, so she deserved everything she got.

"Earth to Sloan!" I looked up at her, "Can you say something, puh-lease? Hell, I wouldn't mind if you flashed me as long as you responded to me in some sort of way."

I cracked a smile at her comment and stood up to wrap her in a hug.

"Thanks for staying with me tonight, Car."

"Oh, no problamo! It wasss a bit short notice though, I had to squeeze you into my busy, busy schedule." She winked at me.

Carlisle knew that I knew that she was the laziest girl I've ever met. She forces herself to run somedays so that she can pig out and drink whenever she wanted. She is always available when I need her, even if she isn't, she makes time for me. I'm practically her only family.

"So.. what are we doing tonight, Slo? Ready to party hard and get wasted off our asses?" I wrinkled my nose at the idea. It didn't sound very appealing to me at the moment. I was drained by my eventful day.

She laughed heartily at my response. "Good, me either! That's why I, being the wonderful friend i am, brought-" She pulled "Clueless" out from behind her back and smiled her cheesy, pleading look towards me.

I sighed over dramatically. "Well, I guess if that's the ONLY choice I have. I can live." I smirked at her as I responded. That was the movie that we first really bonded over. It was like the original "Mean Girls", but better because it's a classic. We call it out "hipster movie" because we like to think we're the only girls to ever dress and act like hipsters. Which obviously isn't true.

With my crazy blonde hair and acquired style, I was the definition of average hipster. Emerson introduced it to us first, it used to be a joke. Now, it's a lifestyle. Ironic isn't it?

I sighed thinking about Em.

"Oh, stop sighing and enjoy the movie. He'll always love you and will be fine. Just enjoy the beauty of Cher." I smiled at her response.

"How did you know I was thinking about Em?" I widen my eyes to look like I'm astounded. She rolls her eyes back into her head and leaned close to my face before answering.

"I'm a psychic. I see all. I'm like Raven Symone." She smiles and winks at me while I laugh heartily at her reply. "Plus I know you better than anyone." I smile at her comment, until she pulls a pack of sour patch kids out of her bra.

"Uh, Car. Why are those in your bra?"

She glares at me. "I'm a C cup, I can put anything I want in here." I laugh at her remark until my attitude turns somber once again.

"Aww, Slo. Someone's being a sour patch kid." She says gesturing to her pack of sour patch kids. I glance at her and she cheesily winks at me, so I bust out laughing. She was obsessed with that candy.

When I'm done cracking up, I ask Car a serious question that I needed an honest answer to.

"You won't leave me like Em, right? He left me to go the the horrible monster College. You won't hurt my heart like that, right?" I give her my biggest puppy eyes and she just stares at me.

"Puppy eyes don't work on my iron heart. BUTTT... I'm a great friend, so no. I won't leave you." She smiles reassuringly then her smile turns hard. "It's not like I can get in anyways. I can barely go to school because I'm busy caring for Stupid Angela."

Angela is Carlisle's mom's name. She was a major alcoholic and smoker, the only reason she is alive is because Car takes cares of her when she asks. Carlisle is very resentful towards her though. When she graduates she just wants to get a good education, but she fears that the stall Angela induces will keep her from her dreams. She's dramatic really considering her perfect grades and the fact that she collects all of the work she misses.

"Stop. You'll be fine." She just glances at me and crosses her arms over her chest, ignoring me. Her focus goes back to her sour patch kids.

We watch the movie in silence until my phone vibrates. I quickly pull it out of my pocket and read the lone message resting on the front of my phone.

I'm here, safe, and tired. I'll talk to you tomorrow if I'm not too busy. Love you!

I sigh. He couldn't even call me? How ridiculous. Hours later and he's already forgetting me.

Carlisle notices my mood sour. "What did he say?" I show her the sorry excuse for a text he sent me and she reads it.

"Oh, what a bullshitter! He's just being an ass. He can't even fucking call? How ridiculous." She was a supportive friend no matter how dramatic and love sick I acted.

"My thoughts exactly." I roll my eyes, then close my heavy eyes.

"Wanna sleep it off? Maybe he's just tired and forgot that he needs to make you feel better about him leaving you." I glare at her until she realizes her choice of words.

"Ok, bad way to put that, but you're picking up what I'm putting down," she yawns unnecessarily loudly, "Wanna sleep now? I'm absolutely pooped!" I smirk at her choice of words.

Without another word I travel to the "closet 'o pillows" and start building our annual pillow fort that we do when ever she spends the night. By the time I'm done, the pillows are everywhere and I can't find Carlisle. When I spot her, she cradled up like a cat, snoring softly while cuddling her bag of sour patch kids. I smile softly at her. She looks so young and happy asleep. Without another thought, I quickly snuggle up in the pillows as well and grab my blanket, covering my curly head.

My dreams do me the honor of thinking of every worst case scenario Emerson could put her through.

I hate my subconscious.


There's Sloan! She's so gorgeous!

But anyways, sorry for the slow update and the slow chapter. It's a bit of a character development chapter; but, no worries! More drama is coming soon!

Love B!


Born to Die- Lana

Over Again- One Direction

I'm Shakin'- Rooney

I'm Not a Robot- Marina and the Diamonds

P.S. You get to see my baby Carlisle next chapter!! (Car-lie-uhl)


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