Don't Say Goodbye

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My toes curled further under the blanket as the frigid cool air hit them. I nestled myself further into Emerson's side while he ate more of his stomach-churning popcorn. I've always preferred kettle corn, but he eats it to purposely make me want to hurl.

"Why do you eat that crap?" I wrinkled my nose at him.

"Sorry, love. Not everyone can be a hipster like the Great Sloan Rose." He replied as he rolled his eyes at me.

I smirked and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Perks of Being a Wallflower or World War Z?" He smiled cheekily at me.

"Being the "hipster" I am, let's watch the Perks of Being a Wallflower. Logan Lerman is delicious."

"Well in that case, let's watch World War Z. Can't let you wanting to eat up any guys, that's my job to you, babe. Don't put me out of business." He winked at me, then died laughing. I blushed a deep crimson.

"You're a perve!" I yelled at him.

For payback, I poked him in the side until my tickling turned into a full out tickle war.

By the time we were finished giggling and poking each other, my blanket was on the floor and Emerson was practically on top of me.

I looked into his chocolate brown eyes and sighed.

"I'm going to miss this." I pouted.

"Oh, don't start that again." He smirked at me, flashing his dimples that he knows I turn to a puddle over.

Emerson was the definition of an adorable tumblr boy. He had longer hair, that ended in Shirley Temple curls that always sprang back to life, no matter how sweaty or slept on they appeared to be. His slim, toned body that wrap me up against him while I nap or watch movies with him. Then, of course, his dimples that set into his bright cheeks like moon craters.

"I'm sorry, I'm just going to miss you." I cry, burrowing into his chest.

"You know I'll miss you too. So much," he says while squeezing me close to his chest, "but don't ruin our last few hours together."

I don't say anything until the credits for World War Z are rolling over the screen. Spoiler alert, the zombies kill a lot of people.

"That was dumb."

Emerson laughs at my comment, then starts to stand up. Then, he turns around and helps me up as well.

"Come on. Walk me out." He says pulling me along.

We step out the front door and suddenly I hear a shout from my mother.

"Sloan! Wait! Has Emmie left yet?"

Emerson laughs at the nickname my mom uses for him while I cringe. It's a horrible name that sounds like a four year old. My mom is great for ruining a moment.

"No ma'am! I'm just walking out!"

The slapping of feet against the hard wood stairs alerts us of my mom's coming down the stairs. When he reaches the bottom, she throws her arms around Emerson.

"Do you have to go the University of California for school? You could always stay right here in Georgia! They don't deserve you!" My mom was suffocating the poor kid.

"MOM! Release!" I scream at her.

"Oh, sorry, Emmie dear!" She kisses his cheek then cleans the smudged lipstick off of his cheek.

"I'll let you two say your goodbyes!" She left us to eavesdrop in the kitchen.

"You're traveling 2457 miles for Vet School, yet here you have a fine school and a really hot girlfriend. What's your problem?" I joke with him.

"I think I'm gonna try new girls. Mine is wayyy too clingy!" He winks at me and I slap his shoulder while I giggle.


He bark out a laugh then kisses me long and hard.

"Goodbye, love."

I grab his arm. "Don't say goodbye. Please. It sound too... final. I can't say goodbye to you forever."

He pulls me into a tender hug and kisses my forehead.

"You'll never say goodbye to me forever. I'm afraid you're stuck with me. I am hopelessly in love with you."

"I am in love with you as well."

I pause, not wanting to let him go.

"Call me when you land and are safe."

"Of course. I love you!" With that he climbed into his Impala and started the ignition.

"I love you too!" He blew me a kiss, then he pulls out of my driveway as if his wheels are melting and sticking to the scalding concrete.

I stand there until I feel my mom's arms around me.

"Don't cry, honey. He'll be back." I hadn't realized I she'd any tears until I wiped them from my eyes.

"Call Carlisle, she can spend the night!" With that, she led me inside and she made dinner while I called my best friend.

It was going to be a long year.


Hello hello hello!

I've attached Emerson to the side and I will attach Sloan next chapter! I hope you enjoyed. If there are grammatical errors, point them out. I'm a writer, I'm not perfect.

Also, I listened to this while writing:

Memories: One Direction 💜

Give Me Love: Ed

Stay With Me: Sam Smith

I love to listen and read, so here's to my twinzies!

Keep reading!

Love B! Xoxo

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