Mornin' Sleeping Beauty

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Heyyyy! Comment as you read, please :))

I attached the mansion above!


(Feel free to edit for grammar mistakes)

Enjoy :)

I roll over, my brain pounding against my skull. If this is what drunk feels like, I never want to experience this again. I slowly open my eyes to a room I don't recognize. Based on the navy blue walls and the musky scent scent of old spice I assume it's a boy's room. I quickly scan myself and check to make sure my clothes are still on my body. My shirt is on the floor, but my shorts remain, so I assure myself that nothing serious happened. After this realization, I relax my tense shoulders slightly. There is only one thought that goes through my head.

"Holy shit." I whisper as I slowly stand up, holding my aching head. I creep towards the door, hoping to just grab my shoes and sneak out, but those plans didn't go very well.

"Mornin' Sleeping Beauty," I hear behind me. "You aren't leaving without saying goodbye, are ya?"

I slowly turn around and a boy who's memory is foggy in my mind. It isn't until I notice his lips pulled up into the smirk that made my blood boil the night before do I remember him.

"Oh, you're Zayn, right?" His smirk widens to show off his perfect teeth and the beautiful sight make me grind my teeth together.

"Yes, and you're Sloan. Carlisle told me so much about you while she was intoxicated. She really doesn't know how to keep her pretty mouth shut does she?" He winks to show off he is joking, but I hint a bit of truth to his words.

Before I can question him further, my headache comes back at full force and I all I want is to go home. Unfortunately, my ride seems to be nowhere to be found.

"I just made Carlisle some eggs downstairs. Would you like some too, Princess?" He says, chastising me.

I roll my eyes at his response.

"No thank you. I'll just grab her and we'll be on our way."

"Oh good, then I'm dropping you both off! I'll go get Jeffrey to start up the limo."

"What the hell are you on about? Carlisle and I drove her car here."

"Right, about that, she asked me to drive you all home because her head hurts too much. Based on the crinkle between your eyebrows, yours does too, so I'll be driving you both while Jeffrey follows along behind us in the limo."

"Who's Jeffrey?"

"My chauffeur, of course."

"So you're the cocky rich kid who lives here?"

His smile falters slightly, but it is still evident that he is smirking. "I wouldn't say that, but yes. I do live here."

I roll my eyes and start walking down the stairs I don't even remember climbing last night. "Whatever, rich boy."

He follows along behind me silently while my mind starts to wander. What even happened last night? I remember drinking too much, then obviously I got smashed and ended up in Zayn's bed. Based on the evidence of my clothes still being on my body, we didn't do anything, but something had to of happened for me to end up there.

I realize that the only person who could answer my questions would be Zayn, but I don't really want to embarrass myself by admitting how drunk I truly was.

I see Carlisle sitting at a bar top eating an omelette and bacon, chatting with an older gentlemen dressed in a tux. I assume this is Jeffrey.

"Mornin' Slo!"

I sit next to her and lean in to whisper to her, "Can we please leave soon? I have a pounding headache."

"Jeffrey can make you some eggs!" She bats her eyelashes and gives Jeffrey a sickly sweet smil, "Jeff, will you please make Slo and omelette and-"

"No, no. It's fine. I'll grab something at home. I just really think we should leave."

"No really, Sloan. Do stay a while! We have so much to talk about!" Zayn replies. His reply makes my skin crawl. He remembers exactly what happened last night, and I can't help but feel that he knows I have no memory of the events that took place when the sun was down.

So, I sit at the bar stool and Zayn sits next to me. Carlisle continues to talk to Jeffrey and Zayn while I silently wish I could erase my existence from this scene.

An hour later, Carlisle is sitting in the passenger seat next to Zayn chatting to him.

I sat in the back, by myself.

I don't want to join in to the conversation, but then again, sitting in the back by myself sucks.

I hung for my phone and check it for messages.

It showed 4 texts and 2 calls.

All of which were from Emerson.



Oh my gosh.

What if I did something that would hurt him?



I would never do that to him. I love Emerson and not even a drunk night could make me do something as horrible as cheat on him.


I am released from my thoughts as I feel the car stop.

Carlisle and Zayn get out of the car and head inside while I trail after them.

Zayn hugs Carlisle and she heads inside. I attempt to move past him and avoid his attention, but he catches my arm.

"So, do you remember anything from last night?" He smirks.

I clear my throat uncomfortably. "Of course. I wasn't that drunk." Ugh, I'm a horrible liar.

His smirks grows, crinkling his eyes ever so slightly. "Oh right. Well I must say you were very nice."

My cheeks flush and eyes widen. I did do something stupid! Oh my gosh. I hold breath, not saying anything.

"By the way, you may want to tell your precious Emerson that you've cheated on him." He pauses for a moment before adding what I dreaded to hear.

"I would hate for him to find out that his little 'princess' has been locking lips with other men."

He winks at me before sauntering off to his limo.

I run inside before I break down in my front lawn.

How TF does Zayn know Emerson??

I guess that's for me to know and you to read about ;))))

Love you nuggets!


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