Update on the Update of me Updating.

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First and foremost, Hey! What's up?!

Sooooooo, I've been just Gone from Wattpad for years now, I had no idea that it had shifted so drastically and I'm honestly perplexed, last I updated the story I was what? 20! So it's been 4 years later and here we are!!!!

So let's get right down to the point, yes I will h e writing again.

No!  I have no schedule for the speed or the length of my updates just know that most of these are just fun drafts that I have made to keep me distracted from my everyday life and deal with like Depression and shit. Lol.

But yeah this is just a bit of a "Oh fuck! Oh shit! I haven't touched My Wattpad nor my books in ages, oh shit! Oh fuck!"

So yeah, I don't even know if I still have any followers this might as well just be me telling this to empty air, but meh! It is what it is.

Anyways if you do enjoy and like my content, holla at a bitch, I'm down for any and all Criticism it lets me know that people actually do read these.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2021 ⏰

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