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I heard him waking hurriedly away, man I fucked up, I wanted to drive him home... But I guess I over did it today with my teasing.

After the locker room incident he wouldn't do much as bat an eye in my direction.

Then theres the whole thing with this crazy hot chick called Sammantha Joy, she's not your typical head cheerleader. Chicks is a Barbie dipped in black and forged with ice.... That's a cool name for a song, ice Barbie, a nice punk jab here and there and it can be considered a hit!

I was at my locker, taking some of the books for the "homework" for today, and Idiotic thing really, it's first day of senior year.

But hey, whatever.

I stuffed them in my book bag, when my phone buzzed.

A picture message from Sammantha.

"Just thinking of you." Read the message, she took a selfie of her right profile, while posing seductively with her lips. Her thumb on her bottom lip.

Intent clear. She wants me, and she will do anything in her power.

"Cool" was my reply. As I sent the message, she seemed to be in the bathroom in that selfie. So she wasn't really paying attention to what ever class she was supposed to be in. Not that I cared, I shouldn't care about her.

She is a hot chick, nothing more, and besides I can see through her facade, she likes me because she seems to recognize me from somewhere.

I can see it in those Siberian husky eyes of her. Cold blue eyes. Seductive as hell.

But right now I'm more interested in a pair of black holes, deep Rich black eyes in a frame of sweet caramel.

I made my way to the parking lot from my locker, my Camaro was there, sparkly and shiny and... Well it was parked. It's a car nothing to gush over.

Unlocking it and getting on, first thing I did was connect the Bluetooth to my phone and search Halestorm. I needed some hot woman of metal singing at me right now.

I reversed just as "familiar taste of poison" started playing. I hummed the first few bars, going softly down the road and taking in the scenery,
It was a beautiful place, this Red Oaks place. Lots of trees, a quiet almost Forrest town. Where you can settle down. And hide, just hide.

It took me a minute almost to recognize the figure that was walking down the street.

Wallace. He had his headphones on and a lazy smile he was vibing to the music, and I'm a creep.  Just cruising next to him looking at him while he was oblivious to me hawking at him, Creep, creep. I rolled down the window and he got startled.

"No way..." He seemed a bit annoyed as he recognized me.

"Get in." I said turning down the radio enough so he could hear me.

"My mom told me not to get in the car with strangers." He said as he continued walking down the road ignoring me.

"Well I can play." I said to myself as I stepped on the gas,  I drifted just right to angle the car so that the passenger door was to him, blocking the road. He was obviously shocked .

"What THE FUCK!" He yelled

I leaned to the passenger door and opened it. "Get in pretty please with cherries on top?!" I asked giving him my most dazzling smile as he rolled his eyes, those seductive black eyes that seemed to suck me in.

"Fine! You asshole." He proceeded to curse me out in Spanish, but I ignored it.

He got on and clicked on his seat belt.

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