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The sound of the city was making me dizzy time to get out of here.

I've already spoken with my parents about this.
My brother and sisters couldn't care less.

My name is Capris Viktor Black, and after years of dodging the paparazzi, and having to deal with the pressure of it all I've finally cracked.

I've asked my parents, they Said that a safe house would be alright, so after the ceremonial throwing of the dart on the map, it landed on a small town about four hours away from New York.

Red Oaks valley. Small town, according to Google, it had a high school now for their foot ball team the red haws and their track and field team was sort of starting to get recognized.

Random facts, about the town also included that it was famous for their oak trees Forrest. It was a good place to hide from it all. In exchange no one in my family asides from my mom and dad can have access to my keys.

It's a complete get away. A safe house where I can finish my high school education, perhaps stay there permanently. I'm just looking to escape.

My family owns, Black house, enterprises. They develop, Broadway plays, music industry, New York's high fashion houses and everything and anything that has to do with the media.

Which doesn't hurt at all, but at the same time leaves me irked, I started some sort of band back in freshman year, but my "band mates" where more into the perks I could bring into. Their lives by my name only. They cared about getting laid, the drugs, and I wasn't feeling it so I terminated the band.

I still write music though, I sing it alone in my room, no one deserves to hear my lyrics, not anymore.

So everything was packed and accounted for, my sketch pads, clothes, laptop, phone, Chargers, paperwork to start  at the high school effective immediately.

I was ready to leave the city, leave my condo in Central Park, and move to This small town in order to finally breathe.

Maggie, my maid was at my door with an ash tray in her hand. As I took another long drag of my cigarette. Blew the smoke stream out of my open window.

"You know I always wanted you to leave that." She said coming closer and offering the ash tray. "Oh Mag mag, I know but my brother and sisters are worse, at least I never did cocaine." I smirked while putting the cigarette on the tray.

"You really doing this?" She asked as she passed her fingers through my hair. Grabbing strands and braiding them, she liked to do that ever since I've left my hair grow out, she's always braiding little strands, sometimes she ties them at the end with a sort of gem stone. She did this to try and help my energies.

"Yeah, I am mag." Breathing out a sigh as she did the braid, it was just behind my right ear, my hair was long enough, to reach my neck, Maggie was doing the braid.

"Hey where do you plan to go now? I mean I don't think the Red Oaks house will be good for you?" I asked her, she hummed a bit.
"I'm going back to the main house, your mom called me back. Your leaving to a new place, I can't follow unless she allows me." I hummed in acceptance, Mother controls everything, if she controls everything it means our nannies as well.

"That sucks,but it's better, a clean canvas." She chuckled lightly. "New scope for new hope." She finished the braid and kissed my cheek.

I grabbed the braid at the end I felt the gem.
It was purple, with a hint of gray and green, it seemed to change hues with the light.

"Wha?" I started to ask, but she cut me off. " Alexandrite, to help, with the longevity and the inspiration of the ever changing colors." As she finished the sentence I hugged her.

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