❶ - 19th december 1998

29 2 0

Mommy is crying tears of joy, daddy smiles as he holds her hand tightly, I'm crying really hard as I just got out from mommy's warm uterus.

One of the nurses yells. "That's a girl!"

The nurses are taking me in a towel to clean the placenta that is all over my tiny body then they finally put me in mommy's arms. I immediately stop crying. Even though my vision is blurred, I still can see mommy smiling and daddy touching my cheek very softly.

The nurse looks at daddy as she holds a pair of cissors. "Mr. Peters, do you wanna cut the umbilical cord?" She asks.

Daddy smiles even brither as he looks at the nurse. "Sure."

The nurse holds the cissors out to daddy and daddy takes it then he finally cuts the umbilical cord.

The nurse looks at mommy. "How do you wanna name her?" She asks.

Mommy looks down at me and touches my cheek as she smiles. "Lona."

The nurse smiles. "That's a beautiful name."

He takes me in his arms and tights me against his warm chest.

So this is what they call world? It's so different from what I thought. It seems cooler. I fall asleep in daddy's arms.

My name is Lona and I was born.

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