❷ - Mom and dad

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I'm 6 months old now and I'm a healthy little baby. Mom and dad really love and take care of me. Daddy is a bit overprotective and it tends to make mommy mad but I guess this is normal. They take me to the park, the supermarket and even to a really weird place wich is called the bank.

We live in a little city that is called 'Pigalle' not so far from a club, 'Le Moulin Rouge', that's in Paris, France. It's a very - I'd say- alive city. People always seem happy, cheerful, despite all the bullshits they might go through in their lives. There are prostitutes, drug addicts, drug dealers, pimps and also homeless. But that's still the place where I feel the most at home.

Also mom and dad are going through a lot. They're drug addicts and we're really poor so we live in a seedy hotel, both mommy and daddy work but they didn't earn enough money yet to buy an appartment. They argue really often. Daddy often comes back from work while being completely drunk so when mommy pisses him off, he cuts her clothes into pieces or he hits the walls but he never would physically hurt her, he promised me. Daddy is a great guy, even though he cheats on mommy sometimes. Mommy found out once, that daddy cheated on her with one of our female neighbors so she grabbed her by the hair and dragged her all along the stairs until her mouth would bleed hard. Mommy's insane.

And once she threw a brick right at daddy's forehead. I don't know why she did this. Sometimes it's really hard to understand adults.... But you know, mommy and daddy also love buying me stuffs. Mommy always buys me toys and clothes and she also makes me weird hairstyles. Regarding daddy, he loves buying me Nike sneakers. Yeah, they try to buy me as much things as they can so I can't see or feel all the bullshits we're going through but well I got it all, even though I'm only 6 months old.

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