valentine's day - preference

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valentine's day with hamzah!

- he gets up early just to surprise you at your house

- he brings you flowers and takes you out for breakfast

- you got him flowers too 😕 you thought he wouldn't like them (he loved them, like actually. no one had ever gotten him flowers before and he felt so special)

- after you went to his house and he showed you his minecraft world where he built you a huge city with lots of colors so you guys could play together. he built it in survival too, it took him foreverrrr

- he also bought you new slippers, a very expensive necklace that says 'hamzah's wife' (a joke), and a book about all the things he loves about you

- you then showed hamzah what you got him, you got him a new camera for his twitch and a new microphone, the one he always talked about saving up for

- you felt bad because you thought your gifts sucked compared to his 😕😕 hamzah didn't care though, he loved it so much and was so grateful. he wasn't even expecting anything huge anyways so he was so happy

- then later that night you watch movies and cuddle asf ☹️

- and ofc make some babies asf

- don't want zaza growing up an only child 💔

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