studying with hamzah - preference

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studying with hamzah!

- "y/n, every answer i get right you have to take ur clothes off."

- nah i'm joking 😦

- you HATE studying but hamzah kind of likes it

- you never study unless hamzah is there because he keeps you focused

- "y/n, cmon. we need to get a good grade."

- you can't focus and get bored as shit super fast

- sometimes if you guys are doing a project hamzah will literally just do the whole thing on his own

- ur a bad gf, why would you let him do it on his own 😦

- he says that he's fine doing it on his own and enjoys it but you feel bad (not really tho idk)

- usually you study in public so you can't get distracted and are forced to focus

- sometimes you distract hamzah from his work too and it pisses him off

- "y/n. can you just .. calm down?"

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