Scariest Signs

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What are the top three scariest signs?

3. Taurus
     - a Taurus is too stubborn to have his or her mind changed... there is no talking him or her out of anything
     - a Taurus knows how to get what they want out of you
     - a Taurus is patient 
     - a Taurus always comes off as stable and reliable and everyone is usually quick to trust them
     - a Taurus is very dedicated to the goals they have and its practically impossible to get them away from those goals

2. Virgo
     - a Virgo always has a plan in their head
     - a Virgo also has at least three backup plans for the first
     - a Virgo spends their time talking to you about you and listens intensely... so they know how to attack you
     - a Virgo hardly ever opens up about their life and they share very little when they do so you can't attack them back 
     - a Virgo is independent and will do just fine without you and makes sure you know that
     - a Virgo comes off as confident and easy to trust so they can be manipulative
     - a Virgo doesn't stop until they reach their goal either

1. Aquarius
     - an Aquarius hardly ever opens up and when they do, it is never an insecurity of his or hers
     - an Aquarius is a good listener and knows how to attack you
     - an Aquarius is also good at manipulating so they can make the situation seem like it's your fault 
     - an Aquarius can come off a little cold at first, making them a little scarier
     - an Aquarius' temper is hard to see coming, making their anger quite a shock
     - an Aquarius is independent and will do just fine without you and makes sure you know that
     - an Aquarius is very dedicated to the goals they set their mind too

Note: Yes, everyone can be a little scary. But the fire signs, well, their anger is easy to see coming and quick to pass. Water signs are, in general, a very peaceful group, so they don't come off as scary. Capricorn's anger is easy to see. Gemini and Libra are too diplomatic to be scary.

Would y'all agree with this? If not, what are the top three scariest signs in your opinion?

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