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Aries: You can be anything you want to. Also, some people do hear you when you talk. Find those people, they will make you happy. One final thing, sometimes weakness around those you hold close to you may not be such a bad thing. You are strong-willed and courageous. 
A/N: if you need someone to talk to, I'm always available!! :)

Taurus: You are beautiful! Also, don't ever feel pressured into something you don't want to do. If they don't respect your wishes, they aren't worth hanging around. You deserve happiness. But you a beautiful! Don't forget it! You are powerful and smart.
A/N: if you are unsure, talk to me and you'll never hear the end of it!! :)

Gemini: Yes, you can be misunderstood but those who know you won't misunderstand you. They will listen, through your many of your moods, and discuss those ides with you. You are creative and independent!
A/N: I'm always here if you want to talk.

Cancer: You can do whatever you set your mind to. Don't let the narcissist beat you down. Also, don't be afraid to let people in, who knows, maybe they can help you more than you think.
A/N: come talk to me if you need it! 

Leo: Those negative thoughts don't own you. You are one tough cookie and you are strong, confident, and brave. You got this! 
A/N: if these negative thoughts become overbearing, I'm always available to talk to!

Virgo: Nothing is ever perfect but things can be close. But you only have to have things your version of perfect, not someone else's. You can be loved, you're not too lost for that. You are not useless and definitely not a burden on anyone. People love you, get over yourself. You are strong-willed, helpful, and caring.
A/N: don't want to believe it... I will change your mind! 

Libra: People love you and care about you! You have such a cooperative and social life, it is enjoyable to be around. And people don't care if you made one wrong decision once. It happens, mistakes happen. All you can do is learn from it. You are beautiful.
A/N: you can always talk to me if you need to 'cause I'm here for y'all!

Scorpio: Yes, you feel like nobody can be trusted, especially with your own secrets. The truth is, a true friend can be trusted and it may not hurt to open up to them. You are a true friend and should expect nothing less from others.
A/N: if you need to vent, I've got your back!

Sagittarius: Don't let people walk all over you and stop you from living the life you want. You can fight the battles and live your life the way you want. You are so adventurous and fun!
A/N: if you need to talk, I've always got your back!

Capricorn: You deserve a break once in a while and some love. Your work will lead to great things, I believe in you. You're such an independent, hard-worker, you got this!
A/N: if you ever need to rant, you can talk to me!

Aquarius: Stop weighing yourself down! No, you're not perfect, but you won't be perfect by trying to drag yourself down. You are smart and can grow and become smarter. You are strong-willed and independent.
A/N: If you need to vent, I got you! Just message me!

Pisces: What's in the past deserves to stay there. Don't let it haunt you and destroy you. It's gone. Also, you're not a disappointment. You made one mistake someone happened to notice, this doesn't make you a mistake. You are worth everything because your so strong and compassionate.
A/N: don't believe this? Then message me and you'll believe it!

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