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Aries: AKA intensely independent person who needs someone

Taurus: AKA the extremely slow person who somehow gets everything done

Gemini: AKA the one you think is stupid but is a genius

Cancer: AKA the angel who thinks they're a terrible person

Leo: AKA the one who likes simple things to keep them happy

Virgo: AKA the one who looks chill but is so not chill on the inside

Libra: AKA the eternal 7th grader who wants to be a model

Scorpio: AKA the one you think is always angry but is just irritated

Sagittarius: AKA the rock star who wants the world

Capricorn: AKA the mysterious person but truly reserved

Aquarius: AKA the true rebel without a cause

Pisces: AKA spiritually intelligent person who's stuck with the mortals

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