Most Hated

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5. Sagittarius. Because they say what they want when they want without tact. They don't particularly enjoy secrets and prefer to have things in the open because Sagittarius believe in living life while you can and being upfront rather than hiding.

4. Aries. Because they are upfront and confrontational. People's first impressions of them is that they are inconsiderate and rude when really it is a misunderstood anger.

3. Leo. Because they are so arrogant and overly confident in front of others. To the point where they may put others down to make themselves to feel better. This is really Leos hiding their insecurities.

2. Virgo. Because Virgos are upfront and can get people to talk about everything in their lives but Virgos share very little about themselves, giving people no chance to connect with them. They can be arrogant and over-achievers, making others look bad. This is a Virgo trying to be helpful and knowledgeable.

1. Gemini. Because Gemini come off as arrogant. Not too mention them being two-faced. And Gemini don't listen very well unless there is drama involved. Even more, they can't make a decision because they don't want to be wrong, they'd rather see you wrong. This is all Gemini hiding their true selves because they have a hard time trusting.

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