Virgo the Practical

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DATE RANGE: August 23 - September 22

Symbol: Woman-- I looked it up and this lady is known as a goddess, virgin, or maiden... so I am going to leave it as a woman (for their constant seeking in pure and good lives)

Element: Earth

Quality: Mutable

Strengths: loyal, practical, hard-working, kind, analytic, catch small details, organized, helpful

Neutral: extremely cautious

Weakness: all work, shyness, worry a lot, overly critical, dismiss feelings (because feelings are irrational), tend to seek perfection

Likes: cleanliness, healthy food, animals, books, nature

Dislikes: rudeness, making yourself the center of attention, asking for help WHATSOEVER

Compatibility (greatest to least):

1. Pisces (86 %)

2. Cancer (77 %)

3. Capricorn (77%)

4. Scorpio (76 %)

5. Taurus (73 %)

6. Virgo (65 %)

7. Aries (42%)

8. Gemini (40 %)

9. Leo (35 %)

10. Sagittarius (32%)

11. Libra (30 %)

12. Aquarius (30 %)

(These statistics are from

Comment below if you're a Virgo like me! 



Okay, so, I actually am a Virgo and I do have many friends but two of my best friends in the world are a Libra and an Aquarius. I also have a crush on a different Libra friend of mine. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, don't let your a bunch of stars tell you that you can't like or have a relationship with a certain person. THOSE FUDGING STARS DON'T CONTROL YOU!

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