Showing They Care

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Aries: super protective; tease you; hate it when others are mean to you; always have your back-- fight someone for you

Taurus: touchy-feely; supportive; pay much attention to you; always remember the small details about you; be there 24/7 for you

Gemini: have fun with you; tries to cheer you up; talk with you for hours; will never abandon you

Cancer: tells you; very affectionate; there for you; always around you; talking about your life

Leo: showers with gifts and affection; tells you; pays much attention to you

Virgo: jokes around with you; always there for you; supportive; mentality: actions speak louder than words

Libra: opens up to you; there for you; makes you feel good about yourself

Scorpio: listens to you; offering advice; super protective; defends you

Sagittarius: does anything for you;  overly loyal; supporting

Capricorn: loyal; sticks up for you; gives advice; helps you

Aquarius: talks with you a lot; tries to make you happy; will never abandon you

Pisces: comforting presence; lets you vent; gives advice; checks up on you

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