Least to Most: Emotional

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12. Aquarius. An Aquarius runs from emotional expression.

11. Capricorn. A Capricorn hates people being nosy, especially when it's the Capricorn's life.

10. Virgo. A Virgo would rather listen to you and overthink by him or herself later.

9. Sagittarius. A Sagittarius has so many friends due to his or her extroverted nature that he or she doesn't really have one or two specific people he or she trust.

8. Gemini. A Gemini doesn't believe he or she has the time to be emotional. There's too much to see and do!

7. Taurus. A Taurus wants to come of as reliable and stable and he or she does. He or she wants to make sure you know he or she can handle and help you with your problems.

6. Libra. A Libra will be emotional, but not around just anyone. He or she needs a specific person to be emotional around and someone that will understand him or her.

5. Aries. An Aries is similar to a Libra, he or she wants someone he or she trust to be emotional around but he or she trust more people than Libra, making him or her fifth on this list.

4. Leo. A Leo is very confident and can be very outwardly emotional but only around people who've met him or her at least a few times.

3. Scorpio. A Scorpio is outwardly emotional but never tells anyone why, giving off a hint of mystery.

2. Cancer. A Cancer believes in the expression of emotions, however, he or she trust a few people with the "why is he or she so emotional?"

1. Pisces. A Pisces doesn't like secrets and let his or hers spill everywhere and on anyone who will listen.

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