Chap 9. The Royal Prince....

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(Third Person's)

How foolish for someone to ignore the sufferings of one? How stupid for a bandit to kidnap a royalty...

Well then this is a story of a Prince from a neighbouring kingdom,

         |The Kingdom Of Aveline |

   |The Eastern Nation|

The place where Demons coexist with vampires...

The place filled with nothing but darkness...

And the birth place of a certain prince...

•|Prince Shoto Todoroki|•

How weird...most people would love to live a life like a prince...

But not for him nothing matters more in life than happiness...

You have all the riches, you have a castle of your own...nothing can satisfy you if you have no happiness....

Since young Shoto was known as the prodigy and the one and only successor to the throne....


He never seems to smile...making other's think that he's not happy with what he has received...

It would be classified as being ungrateful but to Shoto it's classified as...


No feelings...

Only a cold look could be seen plastered on his face...

•|No Light...|•

•|No Life...|•

•|Just Emptiness...|•

His cold looks could freeze ones heart...a glance at his eyes and you body will be paralyzed...

No one knew what happened...some think that it has something to do with how he was treated...

And they were correct!

Prince Shoto....

Being the successor to the throne doesn't mean he can lay down and do nothing....

The training he undergoes are extreme to the point where he would get panic attacks often and his only way of solving it is by going to his sickly mother and sit beside her bedside and vent his frustration...

How he wished for her motherly touch...

How he wished he had a normal life...

How he wished that his training would be reduced to a small extent...

How he wished he wasn't born perfect...

How he wished for a loving family...

How he wished to be like normal children...

But he knows that it will never happen and that he will be stuck in the palace until he is old enough to show himself to the Noble Society...

A World With No Music.... (IN A HUGE RE-EDIT!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora