CHAP 8. And I opps-

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Previously on~~A World Without Music~~

"By the way I want to introduce you to my son's..."



Wait,wait,wait!! Oh no...not that smile...
'Evie! Are you seeing what I'm seeing!?'

'What else do you expect me to see?!'

'Is she seriously wanting to engaged us to the princes?! Nu,uh! I'm not losing my freedom just because of a marriage!'

'Hell nuh! How am I supposed to play music now?!

'Thats the thing!'

'Let's stop this before anything else happens...'

Evie cut the connection and stared at the boys. They weren't that bad...but I feel something is wrong with them it's like there's more than meets the eye...

I'm guessing they have multiple personalities since the aura they give of isn't only two person. 'Haish...Just when the brat was dealt with more problems come' I eternally sighed since I still haven't received my sleep plus my day has been the most annoying one ever...

'Ughhh...' I hear Evie said in the mind link

'Lets get outta here...' I said 'We can't mom won't let us...either would the Queen' Evie answered 'As much as I hate being here we have to keep our innocent appeal...' she sighed

I really want to kill this so called Queen. First she made us wait here until her son's come and now she's expecting us to fall in love with them?! Yeah...that ain't never gonna happen

"These are my twin son's, Hayden and Hunter Westeria"

'Oh great...brats.' Evie said clearly mad that she had to stay here for some annoying reason
They smiled at us more like smirked...'Lets give them a scare shall we?' I questioned Evie 'Now you're talking my language!' she smirked innerly and well we gave them a glare they'll never forget let's just say we were the hunters and they were the prey..


What the heck is wrong with these girls! They are like devil's!

I should be careful around them...

"Hello My name is Cholley and this is my twin Chollet!" The girl with a silver earring at the right side of her ear said I'm guessing she's Cholley and the other one with a silver earring on the left side is Chollet 'Still tho what is wrong with them! I feel like their suppressing their aura's!'

"Pleasure to meet you Prince Hunter and Hayden" 'Ack! Her smile is scary...I wanna go home...why did mom do this to us...'


Holy Shi-...Okay these girls are not to mess with I think they already know we have different personalities there eyes are like the Devil no...Satan...full of poison and cold as the winter blizzard I feel like I'm so small in there eyes...

And what's with there aura's?! Are they suppressing it? Man...that's just plain ass creepy I wonder how huge their Mana capacity is...

Why is she looking at me what did I do!? "Hello Prince Hayden...I've heard a lot about you..."

'Someone help me!!!...' "Oh is that so?" I answered her politely as I can

"Though it's just rumours it true that you have duel magic? Or is there more...."

'Okay clearly she knows our secret!' "I don't know...maybe"

'She's scary...why mom...why...'

Her smile makes her statement more scary!

A World With No Music.... (IN A HUGE RE-EDIT!)Where stories live. Discover now