05: Can I have your car?

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Third POV
It was an awkward drive.

"Why did you have to come back now?" Five turning to  Eight shocked.

"You didn't want me back?" Eight sighed at Five's response.

"It's just.... We spent years getting over you. Some of us cried and you just come back?!" Five looking at the bottom of the car. "Your father thought you'd come back."

"He's your dad too." Eight shaking his head, chuckling a bit.

"No, my position was made clear, I am an assistant to him, or I was." They both can see the coffee shop from their windows. "He told me when you came back to make sure you left with money."

"They pulled over at the coffee shop.

"Here" Eight pulled a full bag out of the car compartment. "A thousand in cash. You know how to use it, since you know how to do everything."

"Can I have the car?" "No."

Five got out of the car as he was about to close the door Eight stopped him.

"Hey" Five turned to him. "Don't cause trouble." Five nodded slightly admiring the way Eight looked. "That means don't bother coming back, you left once and I've gotten used to it. Bye." Eight drove off without letting Five answer.

With Five

   I walked in here and sat down about fifteen minutes ago. Fortunately they haven't arrived yet.

"Sorry, sink was clogged." Forcing a smile at the waitress and turning away. Knowing what he was going to order Five was about to tell the waitress. But an older gentlemen decided to order for him.

"A chocolate milk éclair" the waitress nodding writing it down. " Can I get the kid  milk or something?" Though not being fond of being called a kid, Five took this as a chance to finally order.

Scoffing "The kid would like coffee. Black." Tuning the waitress and the man out he quickly checked if they had arrived already. Though not missing the 'cute kid' part.

Sighing when he noticed the coast was clear he decided to make small talk with the man.

"Don't remember this place
being such a shithole." Slightly chuckling. "I used to come here as a kid."

Looking around more. "Used to sneak out with my brothers
and sisters"

The older gentleman noding "Simpler times, huh?"

Five thinking about it for a bit, "Eh, I suppose." The waitress giving then their drinks,  Five pretends to try to look for money. But the older man pays for him instead.

"You must know your way around the city?" The man answers with an if course.

Ding, of course five hoped it was just eight but he knew deep down it wasn't.

"I thought I'd have more time."

With Eight

The drive home wasn't long but Eight didn't feel in the mood to go back. He made several different turns.

Stopping in front of a specific red house in a neighborhood of red houses. Each with their own little families inside.

Fuck, why'd I come back here?

An African American man came out of the house, swinging his keys. But he stopped as soon as he saw Eight's car.

Rushing towards the car."Axel??! You know you can't be here."

"I know." He looked at him. Once the man saw Eight's face he softened up.

"You wanna go somewhere? Delilah is inside so you might want to move your car a little." Eight nodded and started the car.

I always find my way back to him. After backing up he got out of the car.

"C'mon to my car." Once in the car they take off. "So...you gonna tell me what happened?"

"Derek." Eight looking at the bottom of the floor protecting his face from Derek's sight. "Am I unlovable?"

"HAHAHA" Derek's laugh made Eight glare at him. "You, the great Axel Hargreeves, is asking such a stupid question??"

"I don't see how stupid this question is."

"Axel, you didn't even cry when I was forced to marry Delilah." Now at a stop, Derek looked at him. "You were my everything, I was something to you. I mean even this marriage isn't stopping my love for you." The light turned green.

"I don't see why Delilah hated me so much as to take you away from me." Derek chuckled a little.

"You aren't unlovable, Axel." Derek parked in front of the bar. "You just can't accept that people love you." A quick kiss was shared between them.

Once they seperated Eight finally told Derek. "Five's back."


With Five

He'd been walking for what seemed to be hours. Until he thought of telelporting into Eight's car.

When he did he found no Eight and no keys.

"Great... gonna have to start this car somehow." It took a while before he was able to start the car. "Eight won't mind."


I did it ᕙ(*•̀ᗜ•́*)ᕗ

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