03. The actual Funeral

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Third POV

It was raining outside everyone with an umbrella that fit the atmosphere well except for Klaus who was sporting a clear umbrella with pink in the outside.

"Did something happen?" Making Allison and Vanya worry.

"Dad died, remember?" As if she could feel emotions, her expression saddened.

"Oh yes of course." She walks away but remains at eight's side.

"Is mom ok?" As he was about to answer Diego butts in.

"She's fine." Eight nodding as well.

"Grace just needs to recharge." No one noticing Diego gripping his hand tighter.

Pogo getting their attention a couple minutes later. "Whenever you're ready, dear boy. "

Luther nods and pours the ashes on the ground, eight cringing at this but he lets it happen.

"Probably would have been better with some wind." Mumbling a 'you think'.

"Does anyone wish to speak?" Nobody steps forward. Sighing eight begins to speak.

"Sir Reginald Hargreeves wasn't the best father." Looking at everyone, "But he made us into what we are today." Looking at the ground "and I thank him for that. "

"Yes, he made me what I am today." A little hesitant. "For that alone, I shall forever be in his debt. He was my master... and my friend,. " Looking around."He leaves behind a complicated legacy..."

"He was a monster. " Both eight and pogo sighing knowing this was bound to happen.

"He was a bad person and a worse father." Someone calling his name out, eight didn't care about who though. "The world's better off without him."


"My name is number two" He said while looking at everyone "You know why? Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names."

He pointed at grace." He had Mom do it, and Axel still doesn't use his name. Hell, Axel was treated like an assistant not our brother. None of us were treated like kids!!"

"Would anyone like something to eat?" Everyone telling her no. "Oh, okay."

"Look, you wanna pay your respects? Go ahead." Now he was glaring at pogo. "But at least be honest about the kind of man he was."

"You should stop talking now." Luther stepping closer to Diego.

"You know, you of all people should be
on my side here, Number One." Both of them stepping closer to each other. Eight also taking a step closer just in case a fight broke out.

"After everything he did to you?" Eight's patience had almost reached it's peak. "He had to ship you a million miles away."

"Diego it'd be good to shut your mouth once in a while. " Eight had to at least calm then down.

"That's how much he couldn't stand the sight of you!" Luther and Diego started fighting, like how Eight predicted.

"Boys, stop this at once. " Eight telling pogo it was of no use.

Diego teasing Luther and Luther giving in and pushing. Klaus not helping either.

"Hit him, hit him! " If looks could kill Klaus would've been six feet under by just eight's glare."sorry eight."

"We don't have time for this." Five walking inside.

Then a big bang was heard. Looking over to see Ben's statue on the ground. You could see the exact moment that eight's patience had reached its limit.

Luther and Diego yet to notice wht they had done not aware of the danger that they were in. Until eight had his hands on both their ears.

"Ow Axel! What the heck! " Dragging them both to Ben's statue. Allison and Vanya taking grace inside. "When did you get so strong."

After making them apologize to Ben, Ben's statue. They were allowed to go back inside. Muttering 'best funeral ever'.

Eight fixed Ben's statue with his ability and returned to were Reginalds ashes were. Also returning them into the box they were in to dump them out later on.

" Nietzsche once said, 'Man is as a rope
stretched between the animal and the superhuman. A rope over an abyss. It is a dangerous crossing, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting." Reginald then blows a whistle. Making them run up the stairs for training purposes. Eight the third one with Luther in front of him.

"That's not fair, Five's cheating!" Eight shakes his head at three.

"He adapted, that's the point." Diego scoffs in return pointing out how eight always defends five. "I do not."

"The ties that bind you together make you stronger than you are alone." Allison was crying in the background with Klaus comforting her. Eight not wanting to seem weak in front if Reginald and five kept it inside.

"They will make you impervious to the pain and hardship the world will thrust upon you. And believe me when I tell you, life will be hard. It will be painful.We can accomplish anything when we accept responsibility together.
This is what creates trust."
Walking in the kitchen eight finds Vanya missing. "Where's Vanya? " Allison telling her she left.

"That's unfortunate. " Allison agreeing not knowing he meant something else.
"An entire square block.
Forty-two bedrooms, 19 bathrooms, but no, not a single drop of coffee."

"Dad hated caffeine."

"Well, he hated children, too, and he had plenty of us." Eight chuckles whole shaking his head knowing it was true.

"I'm taking the car." Eight looks up to find five with the keys.

"Where are you going?"

"To get a decent cup of coffee. "

"With my keys? " Five looks at them then at eight, nodding. "Yeah no give me them, I also need to go out. "

"Didn't you come in with groceries though? " He looks at Allison.

"Yes but someone decided it was okay to throw the fire extinguisher out." Glaring at Klaus but softening the glare when he put his hands up in surrender.

Allison's attention now in five. "Do you even know how to drive?"

"I know how to do everything. " Leaving the room eight following afterwards.

"I feel like we should try and stop him,
but then again, I also just kinda want
to see what happens."
"Five! " Either five is ignoring him or he couldn't hear him because he didn't stop. Walking faster towards five. "I want my keys back."

Five turns around. "You're only getting an unnecessary item." Dangling the keys in front of eight.

Scoffing eight snatches the keys out of his hands.

"How did you? " Shocked by eight's speed.

"This is not unnecessary." Looking back at five. "You coming to get coffee or what?" Five walking to the passenger side.

"Hey Axel, see you in ten years when pogo dies?" Turning to see Diego who knows full well eight doesn't like that name.

"Hah, as if I'll die first so that I won't be stuck with that machine you call a mother." This comment making Diego mad, he turns around and flips eight off.

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