09: I'm in my 30's

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With Eight (eight's POV)

    I woke up with the biggest backache of my life. That's a lie, I've had worse. FROM WORK, I swear. As I turn around I realize Derek is no longer beside me, in his stead is a small note.

'Had to go to work, My dad sounded pissed. Call me when you can? I love you."

I decided it was enough time I spent in bed. I got changed into a black compression shirt and wide legged jeans. I made my way downstairs where the smell of breakfast was.

"Hey Eight." Allison, still in the mansion, greeted me. "Was the Derek who left a while ago?" I groaned in response as a way of saying to leave it alone. "Isn't he married to Delilah? As in Delilah Mcclain, AKA, my friend?"

"What of it?" I asked while getting the eggs Grace had made.

"Eight you can't sleep with a married man. I thought we were over this already." I looked at her with a smile before taking a bite out of my breakfast. "Delilah is my best friend, and she really loves Derek."

"Delilah took Derek from me by force, don't forget that." She looked at me with a guilty expression. "And might I add, only because you introduced her to him."

"Eight, look I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention. She wanted to know who he was and that's it." I did not care for her apology, drinking my orange juice that Grace poured me. "But in the end they got married, not you and Derek. I understand that he has some fault in it but still." It looked like she gave up so I stood up, put my plates in the sink and was about to head out.

"She's pregnant," I stopped in my tracks and looked at her. "and it is Derek's kid. Eight I know you, you don't want to be a homewrecker."

"I hate you man." Allison looked shocked by my remark. "Any little bit of joy I have, you want to destroy." She didn't say anything. "I had this ONE thing and you gave it to someone else, like it was something to give. I don't understand what makes you think you have the right to do that but I sure do know that nobody, and I mean nobody, likes you for it."

I walk away to the front door, opening it.

"Where are you going?"

"To get my fucking car back!" I almost slam the door but I stopped myself. "And you better not fuck Luther in my house!" Now I slammed the door.

I'm not proud of what I said, only a little. But she made me angry, she should be glad I didn't throw a punch.

"Axel!" I stopped in my tracks. "Axel, oh thank god you stopped for me." I turned to see Klaus running to me. "Let me go with you, please. I can't stand being in that house."

I looked at him and then at the long way ahead of me.

"Look Klaus, I would love to take you with me." He nodded with a big smile on his face. "But I'm about to yell at someone so... I can't take you."

"Oh but-" "Return those papers to Pogo." "How did you know?" I chuckle and start leaving.


  I've been to Derek's neighborhood at least twice. We'd always meet in a bar or at his old house, or his job. More specifically his dad's company. That's where I'm heading to.

"Delilah listen, baby, I went to the bar, last night." A sigh could be heard. "I stayed at Austin's, his wife even gave me diapers for the baby. No, I'm not yelling at you. Go call Allison then, she'll tell you I wasn't there." I walked in front of him and waved. "Look I gotta go, my break is almost over. Bye."

"Making sure you weren't with me last night?" He nods and smiles at me. "So... Allison tells me you have a baby on the way." Derek stops smiling at me. "Which is weird because you told me, and I quote, 'I would never sleep with her, she's too skinny and her boobs are too perky.' right?"

"Listen bab-" "I mean, she's your wife, why wouldn't you guys fuck? God I am so fucking stupid for thinking you wouldn't."

"We had to, she'd been complaining to my dad and.." He tried getting closer to me but I backed away.

"How far along is she?" "Five months." I scoffed, he'd been lying to me for months.

"God, I feel like shit. You should feel like an absolute piece of crap."  He couldn't even look me in the eyes, only at the ground in shame. "Derek, I don't think we should be contacting each other anymore."

"Wait, Axel, I don't love Delilah. This kid is only for my dad." He looked up from the ground.

"Do you have no shame?" Making Derek pause."I love you but I am not going to steal a childs father from them, you may not love Delilah but that kid has nothing to do with it."

"You can't just leave me like this. I love you." Tears now flowing out of his eyes. "We can work this out-"

"I would like to leave with whatever amount of my dignity there still is!!" Tears are now flowing throughout my face. "You do not get to keep me when you have a family!" I stop yelling and lower my voice. "I didn't come here to make a scene, just to end this quickly. So leave me alone."

I finally walked away from him, his yells for me could be heard but I kept walking.


I walked for about 20 minutes before seeing Five and Klaus. I suddenly remember about my car and speed walk towards them.

"Five!!" He turns around to face me. "Where's my car?!" I hold myself back from grabbing him by the collar.

"Hey Axel, didn't know you were here." I looked at Klaus with a softer glare than I gave Five. "I'm getting 20 dollars out of him today for pretending to be his dad."

I turn to Five and cross my arms. He shrugs and motions us to follow him into an alleyway.

"Look" He pulls an eye out of his pocket, surprising me but I stand still. "I need to figure out who owns this eye, and when I came here last time they told me no." He motions to Klaus. "Therefore, I'm coming back with an adult, a hopless one but one nonetheless."

"I don't care, where's my car?" Five signs but his face lights up in a way. "Don't tell me you crashed it, I don't want to walk back home."

"You can be my dad." I visibly jump from where I'm standing.

"Five, I'm gay but I get the stick in me, not the other way around."

"No,no.....No!" He yelled the last one in my ear. "I meant pretend to be my dad with Klaus, the more adults the better."

"I don't know, Klaus looks ready." I turn to look at him messing with the pockets of the jacket, looking for some left over cash. I chuckled to myself at the sight.

"You get your car back." "Alright."

"I don't mean to interrupt but I'm hungry so can't we get this over with?" I turn to Klaus nodding and walking out of the alleyway.

"Five," He hums in response. "How old do I look right now?"

"I don't know, 20-something." I shrug thinking it was good enough.

"I know Allison is jealous of your gift. To look that young while being 30 is amazing." Somehow Klaus's comment made me feel insecure of my age.

"Gee, thanks Klaus. I get I'm in my 30's but please don't make it known."

"I'm 58." Klaus and I turn to Five bewildered. "Just saying."

I didn't want to drag this chapter any longer. I lost where I had found the script so I'm rewatching episodes.

I'll prolly post the next chapter right after this one.

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