06: I love you

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3rd Pov
"Wait so... your first love is back?"Eight nodded. "But you got rid of him because you can't stand looking at him?" Another nod. "You still love me though, right?"

"Of course I do!!" He quickly hugged him. "It just caught me off guard, Reginald always told me he'dbe back and now I owe a dead guy $50."

A phone ringing could be heard. Derek picks up his phone, sighing when he sees who it is.

"Delilah?" "yeah" Eight a bit angry taking a sip of his beer.

"That's your last one, i gotta take you back." Eight rolls his eyes at Derek. "Your car is in front of my house. You'll be sober by then." Eight nods.

The drive back was quiet, for a bit. "I don't like Delilah either, my dad is just homophobic."

"I know." Eight sighs and looks out the window, resting his head on his hand. "But why Delilah?"

"Money." They both laugh. Arriving at the bright red house, which looked dull in comparison to the other houses, Eight noticed that his car wasn't there anymore. He quickly got out Derek's car to the spot where he had parked.

"My car!!" Derek walking up to him. "Five that asshole!!" He started kicking the rocks around and the grass.

"Can't you just, idk, bring it back?" Eight stopped to look at Derek uncertain if he heard the question correctly. "what?"

"No! It doesn't work that way."


"..." Eight looked at Derek then at the street and then back to Derek." I don't know actually."

"I'll take you back home."

Klaus as usual with the thought of food in his mind.

"Yoo-hoo, Diego!" Deciding to bother diego for food instead of the hooded man seated next to him. "I hate to rush you through any kind of brooding moment you might be having, but come on, man, we're starving!"

"I'm craving..." starting to think of food to eat. "eggs." Clicking his tongue "No!. Wait, it's too late for eggs."

Diego rolling his eyes. Klaus not noticing though as he continues to think. "Waffles. Huh?"

Turning to the mystery man next to him. "You like waffles, right?" Klaus chuckles a little while asking as the man nods. "Ah. Of course you do. Everyone likes waffles."

The water splashing and the static over the police radio could be heard.

"Gunshots reported on the 400 block of Milton Avenue, Griddy's Doughnuts." Diego looking at the radio for a split second.

"Diego, thank you for joining us, we have decided on, drum roll, waffles." Klaus feeling proud and hungry.

"I'm gonna drop you off at the bus stop." Looking at klaus this time. " I gotta get back to work." Turning around to drive the car.

"What, breaking bones and cracking skulls?" Chuckling at his remark.

Diego turns to face klaus and grins."Saving lives, baby." Making Klaus sigh.

"Well, I guess it's frozen waffles again." In thought once more. " but I'm trying ot cut down on my pig products." Only the sound of the engine turnng is to be heard after that.

Location change ( with five) 3rd Pov

The sound of the locks unlocking and the hinges creaking at night seize as five walks inside, spooking Vanya even more.

"Jesus!" Vanya seemed to jump a bit at the sight of Five.

"You should've locked your windows." Vanya looking dumbfounded by his comment. Looking at the window.

"I live on the second floor."

"Rapists can climb." Five sayw shrugging.

Vanya still looking out the window, noticing a familiar vehicle. "Is that Eight's car?" Turning to five to see him nod. "You are so weird."

Barely noticing the new color on five's face and outfit, she returns to her worried nature. " Is that blood?" Five mumbling something to get her off his back.

Giving up slightly on asking five, Vanya asks the only other question she oculd think of. " Why are you here?"

Sighing five answers her question. "I've decided you're the only one I can trust."

Shocking Vanya, but she knew there was a catch. "Why me?"

Five answered bluntly "Because you're ordinary." realizing it probably hurt her a bit he said something else." Because you'll listen."


Inhaling sharply and exhaling slowly and softly. "When I jumped forward and got stuck in the future, do you know what I found?"

Vanya shaking her head and answering no, waitting for the answer.

Five gave her the answer. " Nothing.." looking around a bit. " Absolutely nothing."

"As far as I could tell, I was the last person alive." Scoffing a bit he continued. " I never figured out what killed the human race, but..." pausing a bit. " I did find something else."

Vanya very fasinated and a little worried by the little story kept waiting.

"The date that it happens." Five a little hesitant to tell her. " The world ends in eight days, and I have no idea hot to stop it."

Vanya a little dumbfounded and wantingg to talk about this a little more answers back. "I'll put on a pot of coffee."


Time; Five Hargreeves (SLOW UPDATES) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat