Authors note

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I'm not a professional writer, nor have I written much since my Uni days, but an idea got stuck in my head like an ear worm. I kept having this image in my head of a guy kissing me, his hands on my neck, his thumbs under my chin stretching my throat. Eventually I created a story of how that happened and I had to write it down.

The character of Lana started as your basic author insert character but she quickly developed into a character of her own. She deals with things I've never dealt with and makes choices I wouldn't dare. We both love Vegemite though!

Yes, one of the characters (I'm not going to name him, cause, you know, spoilers) is inspired by Henry Cavill, but he isn't Henry. Although, if it were a movie he would be the perfect actor to play him.

There is a lot of Australia and Aussie slang in the story. I was going to keep it neutral, but I thought no, they say write what you know and I know Australia. Well, Sydney in particular. Sometimes I go a hard on the slang. Oh and there's swearing, lots of swearing. And sex, also lots of that. Definitely a book for over 18s. If you don't understand a phrase, let me know and I'll translate. Sometimes I don't even realise a phrase isn't universal until someone points it out to me. 

The story also deals with grief, angst, social anxiety/mental health, kinks, body fluids and mild tobacco/alcohol use. It has only been edited by me. I don't mind if you point out spelling/continuity errors, etc.

But go easy on me, mate. First time and all.

Thank you.

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