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Chloe woke up in bed. She heard throwing up. She climbed out of bed and saw Mia hunched over the toilet.

Chloe held her hair back and rubbed her back. She smiled. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Mia nodded. "I got hammered last night. This hangover is killing me," she told her. She looked at her. "The police asked me for the CCTV for my dad's attack. I told them I'd have it to them. But obviously we're going to change it."

Chloe frowned. "Why are you helping me? I attacked your dad."

Mia shrugged and smiled. "My father used you. He exploited you. And that doesn't sit right with me. He deserves what he got," she told her.

"Thank you. But I have to ask. Do you think you could be pregnant? I mean you and my dad aren't careful with protection."

Mia sighed. "There may be a small chance. But honestly it's not the right time for a baby. So if I am, I'm going to have an abortion. It's for the best."

Chloe frowned. She knew Warren wouldn't let that happen.

Chloe saw Freddie walking over to her. She smiled. "Hello sexy man."

"Hey. You okay?" Freddie asked as he kissed her.

Chloe bit his lip and nodded. "I'm good. Is there anyone at yours?"

Freddie smirked. "Mum and Joe. But if you're after that, then maybe we could slip off to the garage?"

"You mean my father's garage. Where he works and is more than likely there now?"

Freddie laughed and nodded. He kissed her. "Tell you what. You let me know when daddy and Mia are sleeping and I'll sneak in tonight."

Chloe laughed as she nodded. "You're on stud. But bring protection. We don't need any little Freddie's running around."

Warren smiled as Chloe walked in. She looked at him. "I bought you a bacon sandwich. I figured you'd be hungry. You're not you when you're hungry."

Warren laughed and hugged his daughter and kissed her head. "What would I do without you? Mia told me the cops were sniffing around. She got rid of the CCTV tape. But just be careful."

"I know. I know what Trevor did. But he didn't deserve me almost killing him."

Warren frowned. "He's lucky I didn't do it. Because he wouldn't be lying in a hospital bed," he said as he looked at his daughter. He couldn't understand why she was feeling bad for what she had done.

Chloe was sitting in the flat. She got a text from Mia. She looked at it and ran from the flat. She ran to the garage and saw the police car. She saw Freddie being put into the back of the police car. "What's going on?" She asked.

"Someone snitched me up. Saying I attacked Trevor."

Chloe frowned. She looked at Warren who had a smirk on his face. She walked over. "You did this! You took Freddie from me. Why?! What could He have possibly done?"

"He's bad news. We both know he is."

Chloe shook her head and glared at him. She looked at her dad. "I will never ever forgive you for this. I hate you."

Warren watched as Chloe walked off. But had he pushed his daughter away for the last time?

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