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Chloe couldn't believe she had potentially killed Trevor. She knew what he had done to her. But she wasn't expecting to have nearly killed him.

Chloe was sitting in the flat that morning when she heard a knock at the door. She knew Freddie was working at the garage so it had to have been Mia.

Reluctantly, Chloe climbed out of bed. She left her bedroom and sighed as she saw Mia who was in tears. "What's happened?"

"Someone tried to kill my dad. I know he's a prick and I wanted him dead myself. But I didn't think anyone actually would,"'Mia sobbed.

Chloe felt the guilt eat her up. She knew she had to tell someone. Someone other then Freddie. "What are you going to do?" Chloe asked.

"Nothing. He got what he deserved. But... he's still my dad at the end of the day. My mum wants me to be looking for who did it. I'll give them a medal."

Chloe went to meet with Freddie. She smiled and walked into the garage. "Hey. Mia came round."


Chloe shrugged. "She said she'll give whoever did Trevor in a medal. I don't think she'll feel the same if she knows it was me," she mumbled.

Freddie pulled her into a hug. He held her close. "It will be okay. I promise."

"I don't know. I'm scared. I could lose my best friend over this."

"She knows what Trevor did to you. She fought against him for you. She loves you Chlo. She won't be mad."

Both of them had no idea that Warren was standing there. "Mia won't be mad about what?" He asked.

Chloe paled. She turned to look at him. "I-I'm the one who attacked Trevor."

Warren stood looking at his daughter. He couldn't believe it. He had a smirk on his face. "Well you inherited my temper. But he deserved it. Mia said it too."

"Yeah but I'm her best friend. And I almost killed her father. How is she meant to forgive me?"

Warren shrugged. "Talk to her. She knows what he did to you. She won't be mad at all."

Chloe went to see Mia. She found her sitting in the club downing vodka. She walked over to her. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Mia nodded. "Yeah. My so called mother kicked me out cause I told her I didn't give a damn about who whacked my father. And I really don't."

Chloe sighed. "I have to tell you something. You might hate me."

Mia looked at her. "You're the one who hit my dad?"

"How did you know?"

Mia smiled slightly. "Because I heard you and Freddie this morning. I walked past the garage. I'm not mad... I-I hit him too. That's why he went down easy. We both did this. And we're not going down for it. I promise."

Chloe looked at her. "Why? What did he do?"

Mia sighed. She looked at her best friend. "He told me if I wasn't careful, he was going to do to me what he did to you. His own daughter. Can you believe that?"

Chloe took her hand. "We're in this together. Okay?"

"Together yeah? When this happened, we were in town. Okay. We were nowhere near this dump."

Chloe nodded. She didn't know if she could trust herself to keep this a secret. But she had no idea that she and Mia had been overheard. And they were going to ruin their lives.

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