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Warren was fuming. He wanted to kill Trevor Royle for what he had put his daughter through. He was hurt that Mia hadn't told him.

Warren looked up as Chloe walked in. She looked around. "Where's Mia?" She asked.

"I finished with her. She didn't tell me what was happening to you. I can't forgive that," Warren said.

Chloe frowned. "I told her not to tell you. I knew you'd act like this. Mia isn't to blame dad. It was Trevor,"  she said.

"She should have told me Chlo."

Chloe sighed and shook her head. "Make it up with her dad. She didn't do anything wrong. I told her not to tell you."


Chloe walked into the Dog to see Mia sitting there. "It's literally 11am and you're drinking?" She asked.

Mia shrugged. "I hate men. I'm officially done with them . I hate your father and I hate my father."

Chloe sat down and sighed. "You shouldn't be drinking. He isn't worth the upset. I told him you had nothing to do with it," she told her.

"Like he'll listen. Seriously babes, he's not worth it, I'm done with men."


Chloe was sitting in bed with Freddie. They hadn't had sex. But they had cuddled. Chloe sighed. "My dad literally wants to kill Trevor."

"Good. One thing I agree with. A hatred for Trevor Royle. He can't get away with this," Freddie said.

Chloe shrugged. "He broke Mia's heart though. She didn't do anything wrong. She told Trevor to stop."


Warren looked up as Mia walked into the club. She looked at him. "Where's my father? I have a few choice words for him."

"Not here. And believe me, I'm waiting for him," Warren said. He looked at her. "You should have told me."

Mia rolled her eyes. "I don't care. I put my friend before her father that I was screwing. She didn't want me to tell you so I was respecting her wishes."

"She's my daughter."

"And she was being bloody pimped out by my father and when I next see him, I'm going to kill him. I really am."


Chloe was walking through the village. She saw Freddie and Trevor who were arguing. She walked over. "He isn't worth it Fred. Let's go."

Freddie looked at Trevor. "This isn't over. I will kill you."

"Bring it on grease monkey."


Chloe looked at Freddie. "Why did you threaten him? He could kill you. I know what he's capable of."

Freddie glared. "No one treats you like this Chlo. No one. Trevor Royle is dead."


Chloe went back to Warren's. She saw him sitting on the sofa in just his jeans. She frowned. "Dad?"

Before Warren could talk, Mia walked out the bedroom. Chloe smiled when she saw how Mia was in his shirt. "Okay. What's going on?"

"Your dad and I had goodbye sex. I'm officially done with men," Mia said.

Chloe nodded and smiled. She knew her dad and Mia were happy together. But she was unaware that everything was going to change.

And it all started with an attempted murder.

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