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Chloe was shocked that warren had told her how he wanted her help and how he wanted to ask Mia to marry him. She knew her dad and she knew thought how he'd be someone to want to get married

Chloe was using for them and she knew how good that they were together and she did wanted to help. She wanted them to both be happy. Chloe stood in the flat with Freddie as she heard a knock at the door

"That will be my dad. I said I'd go and help him with something" Chloe said as Freddie sighed

"What about lunch" he asked as Chloe grabbed her coat and her bag and smiled

"I'll make it up to you" he said as she leant in and kissed him

He looked to her and smiled "well as long as you do" he said as he pulled her to him and kissed her back. She answered the flat door and smiled as she saw warren

"Are you ready" he asked as she looked to him

"Hold on" Chloe said as she walked into the bathroom. Warren and Freddie stood there in awkward silence for a moment

"Thanks for getting me out it means a lot" Freddie said. They knew it was awkward between them

"I did it for Chloe I know how much that she loves you" warren said as Freddie nodded

"I'm glad that you make her happy, I know I need to make more of an effort with you. She's my only daughter so I'm protective" warren said as Freddie nodded

"I get that"

"As long as you don't hurt her we can get along. She's been through a lot" warren said as Freddie looked to him and nodded as Chloe walked into the room

"Ready" she asked warren who nodded before she kissed Freddie and smiled

"I'll see you later"

Chloe walked through the village with warren "do you have a plan" she asked

"No not yet mia has been through a lot I want it to be romantic" he said as she smiled

Chloe looked as he walked off and saw Mia "what's going on" Mia asked as Chloe looked to her

"What chat a father and daughter spend the day together" Chloe asked

"It doesn't seem your thing that's all" Mia said

"It's a new start anyway how are you doing I know how things haven't been easy for you" Chloe asked as mia looked to her and smiled

"It's all so much drama. I don't even want to be involved with it" she said as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"I get that but it will be okay. You will deal with it you always do don't let your parents get in your head" Chloe said as mia looked to her and smiled

Chloe got back to the flat and saw Freddie and smiled "so what was that with your dad today" he asked

"I was helping him pick something for Mia that's all you need to know" she said as he looked to her and smirked as he grabbed her waist and pulled her to him

He leant in and kissed her and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck the kiss got more heated and passionate as he lead her to the bedroom.

Chloe looked to him and smirked as they stripped off. He pushed her onto the bed and climbed on top of her. Chloe moaned against his touch

They stripped off as he pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her unaware how everything was about to change for them

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