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Chloe sat in Freddie's flat, she was worried over him and knew he had been arrested for what she did and she knew that warren was behind it

Chloe was fuming. She knew that warren was trying to come between her and Freddie and split them up and she hated it, she knew that Freddie had been her rock and he had been the one who had got her through it all with Trevor and what he had done to her.

Chloe was angry at warren and she knew that she would never forgive him for this. She knew her father and she knew he'd turn it around to say that he was protecting her but she knew him too well and knew he was being spiteful and that he was trying to take Freddie away from her,

Chloe knew that she was trying to find some way to get Freddie out and she knew that the only way could be to confess all that she wanted was Freddie out and she knew all he had done and how he didn't deserve to be in jail for her and Chloe kmew that she was trying to proof that he was innocent and knew that she was not going to forgive him for it, for lying to her over all of it
Chloe answered the door to the flat and saw Mia and smiled

"can I come in" Mia asked as Chloe looked to her and smiled

"as long as my father isn't with you" Chloe said as Mia walked in and closed the door, Mia looked to Chloe and frowned, she could see just how much she was struggling and she was worried.

"Are you okay" Mia asked as Chloe looked to her and sighed


"I'm sorry for what he did, I didn't know I swear"

"I know you didn't it's just the man my father is, it's what he does and he'll say he's protecting me but he's not, he's never liked me and Fred together so he's done this. It's a mess mi, it's all my fault my boyfriend is in jail because of what I did and he loves me so he will do the time and the guilt it's just getting too much" Chloe said as Mia smiled

"it's all my dads fault if he just left you alone, I now it's all a mess and how you are scared but it is going to be okay. You don't need to worry" Mia said as Chloe looked to her and sighed.

Chloe had no idea just how things would be oaky when everything was falling apart

Chloe sat in the prison as she waited for Freddie, she looked as he walked out and saw the cuts and bruises in his face, he sat opposite her and smiled. Chloe could see how much he was struggling inside

"baby" she said as he smiled

"it's okay" he said as Chloe frowned

"what, no it's not. You are in here because of me and I am so sorry" she said as he looked to her and smiled

"don't. Don't say that you are sorry okay, you didn't do anything wrong look I will find a way out of here as long as you don't do anything stupid like confess as I can't loose you" Freddie said as Chloe looked to him and nodded but could Chloe keep a hold of her guilt for much longer?

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