chapter one

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i'm not creative with title names :)
karl's pov

"this is my last year of high school," i point out, "how is it that i haven't been in one relationship?"

i notice jimmy and chandler look at each other.

"maybe it's because you haven't found the right person," chris reassures me.

"hell no!" jimmy looks at chris then at me. "can i be honest with you?"

i nod my head slightly, worried of what he's going to say. we don't always see eye to eye on things.

"i think it's because you haven't put yourself out there. no offense, but you're kinda weird. we're like your only friends," he motions to everyone.

"th- that's not true. i'm friends with alex too," i think i'm trying to convince myself more than him.

"he doesn't even count. you act like you're dating or something," jimmy rolls his eyes.

i clear my throat. "uh- we're not."

chandler changes the subject, saving me from another awkward ass conversation. chris and chandler both know i'm bisexual. i just can't tell jimmy. he wouldn't understand.

"i heard there's a party this weekend at clay's house," chandler says. "you're all coming, right?"

"hell yeah i am," jimmy says.

chris nods his head.

"i- i don't know," i say.

"come on, maybe you'll meet a really nice girl at the party," jimmy points out.

"i mean, i guess i'll come, yeah." i know i'm only saying that so jimmy will get off my back. the only reason i'm excited to graduate is so i can move out of this small town, and never see jimmy again. he honestly shrinks me, but without him, i would be nothing. he got me some sort of platform on social media. he's the reason why people are so nice to me. if i didn't have jimmy, i probably would've ran away from this town by now. chris and chandler are the only people that keep me sane.

"then it's settled," chandler says. "i'll pick everyone up this friday at 5. sound good?"

everyone nods in approval.

my phone begins to ring. it's my mom. god how i hate her new boyfriend. "hey guys, i have to take this."

i walk out of chris's bedroom into his bathroom. quickly realizing that the phone has been ringing for quite some time, i answer it. "hey mom, how-"

"where the hell are you?"

"mom, i told you i was staying at chris's house today."

i hear her boyfriend in the background, probably mumbling about how much i'm out of the house.

"karl, sweetie, you need to come home."

"but," i stay quiet for a couple seconds, calming myself down. "i told the guys i would hang here for a while."

tw/ mention of abuse/violence

"please hunny," i could hear my mom begging. i knew chad, her new boyfriend, was listening to the call. if i didn't come back home now, i would get beat when i finally did.

tw over

"ok mom," i say softly.

i walk out of the bathroom back into chris's room. i look at them sympathetically, and they nod in approval.

"we'll see you later karl," chris says. "stay safe."

chris and i only live a couple blocks apart. i go to his house almost every night to just talk. he's the closest friend i have.

as i walk home, i think about why i haven't been in a relationship. maybe jimmy is right. do people think i'm weird? people probably think i'm weird, right? do my friends think i'm weird? does chris? this is too much for me right now. i have bigger things to worry about like why my mom wanted me home so early.

as i approach my house, i realize there's an extra car in the driveway. who's here?

i enter the doorway and i see my mom and her boyfriend waiting for me at the kitchen table.

"take a seat," chad says.

i forgot that chad was here. i breathe in, and sit down in the chair across from him. i feel so small that i want to throw up.

"baby," my mom chokes out. chad throws a hand up.

"let me talk please," he tells her.

she nods, and looks down.

"karl, son," i cringe every time he calls me that. he has no right to call me that.

"your mother and i have been thinking a lot, and we've decided that you deserve your own car."

i inhale.

i'm confused. there's something skeptical about this. what's going on? i look around for anything that looks out of place.

i exhale.

my mother is wearing a ring.

"son," he grabs my mother's hand. i see her flinch. "your mother and i are getting married."

i can't handle this. there's no way i can live with this preposterous man. i get up from the table, but as i start walking away, i hear fists on the table slam. i turn around.

tw/ mentions of abuse, violence, and bruises

"don't you walk away from me boy," he growls.

i don't want to get hurt today. i don't want bruises on the first day back to school. i don't want him to hit me, and especially not in front of my mom. i sit back down.

he does the same.

"you listen here, boy. if i hear one complaint about this, you'll get the punishment you deserve. you hear me?" his voice is raised.

i nod.

"what's that, boy? i can't hear you," he says louder.

"yes, i understand," i speak softly. tears begin to fall down my face.

tw over

"go to your room now, baby," my mom says quietly.

i get up and run up the stairs. i don't slam my door because it'll just cause more drama. i close my door softly, and curl up in my bed.

as more and more tears flow down my face, i think to myself how horrible this year is going to be. soon after, i fall asleep.

hi everyone! i know this chapter was a lot to take in. reminder that you're valid. take a drink of water, and take a breather.

also, this chapter is out early because i have a lot of inspiration right now. thank you for reading. if you like this, make sure to vote for it or something like that. i'm not sure how this works yet. i love you all so much, even though there's exactly zero of you.

i don't think i'll have a schedule for posting for a while. i'll kinda just write when i feel like it i guess.

anyway, thank you for reading! <3

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