chapter five

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i open my eyes to my loud ass alarm.

i slam it off, and get out of bed, quickly noticing how sore i am.

i then remember that sapnap stayed on the call with me all night.

is he still on the phone?

i check my phone and realize he's still there.

i smile. at least i've got him.

"hey nick, are you awake?" i ask.

"yeah i'm up," he responds.

wow, his morning voice is so-

i stop myself. let's not continue that thought.

i clear my throat, "um i have to get ready for school, so i'm gonna hang up. thank you for staying on the call."

"yeah of course! i'll see you at school," he responds happily.

i hang up, and try to stretch.

it hurts.

i look through my closet for the baggiest sweater i have. i find a white turtle neck, and put that on, along with a red, yellow, and blue sweater on top of it.

tw/ bruises, mention of abuse

i take a look in the mirror.

it's bad.

my face is all shades of black and blue.

i walk to my mom's bathroom, hoping she has some sort of makeup that will cover this up.

i scramble through her things until i find a bag with makeup in it.

it doesn't take much digging to find the foundation? concealer? whatever it's called.

i grab a bottle that i think is my skin color and bring it back upstairs.

i squeeze the solution on my skin, and rub it in.

it hurts as i press my fingers as softly as i can on my bruises.

i didn't expect him to hit me as hard as he did. he must've been especially upset.

at least he hit me and not my mother. where was my mom last night?

now that i'm thinking about it, where is she now?

after finally putting enough makeup on to cover up my bruises, i put the bottle back in my moms bag, and look at my texts.



today 2:56 am

hey, i just wanted to let you
know that chad hit me again.
it was hard this time, but i'm
okay. don't worry about me.
read 6:57 am

today 6:59 am

are you okay? i'm sorry
i was asleep last night. why
did he hit you? are you still
being picked up today? again,
i'm really sorry. we can totally
ditch today if you need to. i
love you man.
read 7:23 am

hey, i'm okay. we don't
need to ditch today. he
hit me because i was
home later than i was
supposed to be. i love
you too chris, and
yes. i'm still being
picked up today.
read 7:25 am

don't pull that "i'm
okay" shit on me. you
know you can talk
to me about anything.
and chandler said we'll
be there in five-ish
read 7:26 am

i met sapnap in the bathroom | karlnap Where stories live. Discover now