chapter six

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keep in mind, it's tuesday.

i walk up to quackity's locker.

"wow, you look rough," alex says.

"dude what the fuck, don't be rude," sapnap says as he's walking over.

"calm down, i was just pointing it out because i was going to ask if he was okay. okay?"

"yeah," sapnap pauses and shrugs, "yeah i knew that."

i blush at that awkward encounter then respond, "ah, i'm doing the best i can right now. how have you been doing?"

"both of you," i smile after adding quickly.

"i've been keeping myself busy with singing and stuff," quackity says.

"oh that's cool!" i respond.

i then make eye contact with sapnap before looking away.

eye contact makes me so nervous, but i try again.

"i'm okay," he says.

his eyes keep going back from me to quackity because he's trying to make eye contact with us both.

"nothing special has been going on lately, i just want the weekend to come along already," sapnap complains.

"oh yeah!!" quackity engages.

"are you going to the party this weekend, karl?" sapnap asks me.

"um i'm not sure. i wouldn't want to get in trouble," i respond.

"you should! you guys could both stay at my house after. we can have like a sleepover maybe," quackity says.

he bursts out laughing which makes sapnap and i giggle. i look over at sapnap, and he's looking at me. i just keep giggling.

"oh my fucking god, that sounded so stupid," quackity says while still laughing, running out of breath.

"no i think it was a good idea! i just have to ask my parents. are you okay with a sleepover, nick?" i respond while still chuckling.

"yeah of course, i thought it sounded really fun," he adds.

"pog," quackity says.

the first bell rings, so i head to my locker. sapnap and quackity follow me.

"hey, i'm gonna head to my first class," quackity says.

"okay!" i respond.

now it's just me and sapnap. i look over at him, and he's looking at me.

is he examining me?

"um, how was your," sapnap stops, "nevermind um-"

"how was YOUR night?" i ask him as i put in my locker combination.

"oh! um, my night was okay. my mom looked at me weird for the rest of the night though, and i don't know why."

is it because of me?

"she wouldn't talk to me either, so i kinda just stayed in my room. then you asked to call, so it canceled out the bad things that happened after you left," he stops.

we start walking to our first class as i think about it what to say to that.

"for me! it canceled out the bad things for me," he adds.

"heh, well i'm sorry that your mom was acting strange towards you; that's one thing we have in common right now," i respond.

"what's your mom doing?" he asks.

i met sapnap in the bathroom | karlnap Where stories live. Discover now