chapter four

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not going to lie, hanging out with sapnap was kind of cool. it's crazy that we just became friends recently, and i already feel like i can tell him everything about me.

that's not true. i can't tell him everything about me. i can't tell anyone.

"hey, what's up?" sapnap asks.

he breaks me from me thoughts. he always does. i'm glad he's there for me.

"oh, um, nothing really," i pause for a few seconds and then continue, "i just already feel so close to you. it's like i can tell you anything and you wouldn't judge me," i say.

almost anything.

"you can," he scoots closer to me. "i know we've only just became friends, but i'm here for you. i know it's hard to open up, but if you ever need to get something off your chest, text me, call me, whatever, just know i'm here."

will he still be here for me if he knows?

"thank you. that really means a lot," i smile softly at him. "i'm here for you too, nick."

he smiles back at me, and we make close eye contact. in this moment, i feel like i really can tell him anything.

"karl," sapnap pauses, "have you ever um."

i look at him curiously, wondering what he's trying to say.

"ah nevermind, it was nothing," he laughs it off.

"well whenever you're ready to talk about whatever 'nothing' is, i'll be here," i smile.

my phone rings, and i realize it's already 6:00.

"oh my god, no no no, oh my god. i have to go! i'm so sorry, nick, i really have to go. i'm so sorry!"

i run out of his room, and make my way to my house.

jesus christ, not already. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble. i'm in trouble.

"karl, wait!" i hear sapnap from behind me.

i quickly turn around and realize he's holding my backpack. i run to grab it, accidentally touching his hand.

"ah, thank you, um, i really have to go. thank you for the evening. i'll text you! bye!"

i run off again, hoping i make it back early enough to lessen my punishment.

tw// abuse, violence, thoughts of self-harm, slight sensuality, homophobia, suicidal thoughts/tendencies

i make it home in less than five minutes. i ran as fast as i could, hoping it was fast enough. i slowly approach the door, hoping to make a calm entrance.

i'm greeted by chad's frowning face. he opened the door before i could even touch the door knob. i slowly walk through the entrance, knowing what's coming next.

he snatches my backpack from my shoulders and throws it against the wall. i hope nothing valuable was in there.

"you were late, karl," chad growls.

"i'm sorry," i breathe.

he grabs my wrist, and squeezes it with aggression. he leads me into the living room and sits me down. he grabs my face and faces it towards him. he looks me directly in the eyes, getting very his face very close to my face, and slaps me.

a tear flows slowly down my face.

"you're worthless," he tells me.

he slaps me again.

i met sapnap in the bathroom | karlnap Where stories live. Discover now