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I wiped the tear from my cheeks and looked at the eyes that gazed at me.

The light on his skin was beautiful. He waved at me. I smiled and pretended I was okay, when I wasn't.

He moved from under the light and crossed the street, now walking towards me.

My eyes were red, I'm sure of it...

Before he could fully shorten this distance between him and I, I continued running.

"Hey wait—

He screamed.

He turned around head back towards his spot under the light. I continued running because I was a mess.

Who was he? Why was he coming towards me?

I stopped running when I reached this park. It was dark. I lay down on a bench and closed my eyes, hoping the pain and anger would stop consuming me.

I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was morning. I didn't know where I was but I tried to follow signs and soon enough I was back to the house.

She was buried in the couch as usual. I got ready for school and head out the door.

I lay down in the grass in the school yard, observing the beauty and peacefulness in the sky then there was his tall body. Above me.

"Hey— I saw you yesterday. Are you—

Before he could finish I stood up and said,

"I'm fine."

The line that I hated the most was now what I used to lie.

"You didn't seem fine" he said.

"Well— I am so cut it....please." I walked off.

Eyes were staring at me.

The kids at my school loved to gossip and the longer he stood around me then the more of a talk we would be.

I was seen as a "weird" girl at my school. I was isolated. No one spoke to me and no one wanted to because I was "strange".

My dad was the only human I engaged with. He was my best friend...

It was lunch time and I would usually spend mine outside behind the school in the football field, sitting on the bleachers.

I was heading there and there he was.

I rolled my eyes and he caught me. Before I could turn around —


"What do you want from me?" I asked him looking down with little tears in my eyes.

"I just want to be your friend. My name is Tristan," he said.

I looked up at the blue eyes I was hypnotized by before.

"Why?" I asked.

No one likes me, no one wants to be my friend so why does he want to be my friend.

"Because I like you" he smiled at me.

I was confused,

"How can you like someone you just met?"

He laughed. He had the most amazing smile, the whitest teeth and best jawline I had ever seen—then said,

"No not like that, I just like that you and I are the same. We are both isolated and I saw that today. I also saw you crying and I wanted to know why..." he kept smiling at me.

It made me smile and the hurting stopped for a while.

For a long time I didn't think there would be just a minute it would stop but it did.

Why now?

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