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It's been a month since the trial that put my mother and Brian in jail. They were sentenced to 20 years for attempted murder.

It's also been a few months and Tristan is still in a coma. Hope is all I have.

I stood in the hospital, speaking to him,

"Tristan. Come back to me. What am I going to do without you? We are too young. We can't leave each other please Tristan. I— I love you. You are the love of my life. I blame myself for what happened to you. I cry each and every night and I keep trying to hold myself together thinking you would come back to me. So come back to me please, Tristan. I can't do this without you."

I cried and the vein in the middle of my head grew bigger. I get nothing but a hand on mines suddenly, it was Tristan. He- he is alive...he is— conscious

I ran to call the nurse and ran back to the room.

"Ma'am we have to check him first and we will let you back in the room" said the nurse.

Pacing back and forth was the only thing I've been doing since then.

After a while the nurse opened the door and told me I could see him again.

When I entered the room, there were those eyes, I longed for. I longed to see.

We didn't say anything yet. We glared at each other. I was walking to the other side of the bed and there he was right before me. The man I loved with all my heart. The man who brought me from hell to heaven. The man I've evening missing the pass few months. The man who made me realize that I can be free from this anxiety as long as he is with me. The man that made see that there is a chance for me.

He looked at me with a smile. After standing there, I ran to his bed and gave him a hug.

His arms rapped around me like a blanket and it was soon after that I heard,

"I love you too".

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